
Asian-Americans in the military?

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I want to know what your experiences were like. Were you enlisted? Did you go to OCS? If you're an officer and not prior-enlisted, were you less respected because of it? Was there any racial tension? Which branch did you serve in?




  1. I'm an American with Japanese blood, not a Japanese-American (how ignorant people use those terms).  I am 'American!' You are either one or the other, not both; I picked my allegiance!  Perhaps others should do the same.  When I hear about people claiming that they are African-American or Mexican-America, I say "no you're not, your are American and no other-unless you have dual citizenship!"

    I never was encountered by anyone that treated me harshly.  If so, they'll be having Mr. Miyagi-inside of me here stomping someone!  Best remember that it took TWO nukes to calm our *** down!  Not ONE but two!!

  2. Dude..........Your race baiting!!!!!!!!!! This is what Big Al and Uncle Jesse do...........You stink!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. When you look at people, you look at their soul, not their skin.  Get a clue!!!

  4. my exp. in the army was that asian americans FROM asia, were some of the finest soldiers one could ever ask for. they carry a fine heritage all the way back to vietnam. knowledgeable, disciplined and always hard core. all cultures within our ranks should always retain the pride of their ancestory, it's what makes us the finest in the world....the u.s. army, air force, marines and the navy truly are, the best of the best.

    didn't go to ocs but did help a few really good butterbars, who deserved it, into fine's are made by the men that follow them.

  5. I'm an Asian currently serving (enlisted) in the Marine Corps Reserves. I wasn't treated any differently than other Marines of different races. In my unit, there is a good number of Asian Marines there.

  6. I've been on both sides, enlisted and commissioned officer. An officer may initially have more respect if he is prior-service but in the long run, it comes down to what type of leader you are. Prior-service guys/gals either make great officers or they make bad ones (stuck in enlisted or NCO mindset).

    The responsibilities increase tenfold on the officers' side.

    Don't worry about racial tension in the military. If you feel there is any, talk to your Commander about it.

    -Army Pilot

  7. YOUR career in the military is how you make it, it can be positive or negative, You'll be judged and promoted on your own merits.

    Your advancement or lack of, is solely based on your own performance.

    The best performers will be promoted regardless of your race, color or creed.

    There are plenty of high ranking asians in the military to include flag officers and the top enlisted ranks females included.

  8. The Army knows no race if you do your job treat everyone like the way you want to be treated officer or enlisted you will be respected

  9. John,

    You'll find the military the best in the world at giving opportunities to minorities. There are today, women, asians, African-Americans, hispanics, serving in all ranks of the armed forces.

    If you're asian, and you're worried about something like racial tension, then how are you going to handle the stress of leading men and women in combat?


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