
Asian Guys answer????

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Well my question is why do you hardly see asian guys with other races. Dont think im creepy but I have a huge thing for asians and its kinda discouraging because I always see them dating in their own race. What do you think?!? I see alot of asian women dating outside their race but not the other way around




  1. omg

    this is the 3rd one i saw EXACTLY like this


    why doesnt anyone ask ?s like this about latinos!!!


  2. Are you Peaeece in disguise?? C'mon girl, you gotta stop this silly silly game.

  3. theres tons of asian guys that arent stuck inside thier race....but

    if your culture is waayyy different, they might see a relationship kindof pointless if you know what imean

    i wouldnt date around if i couldnt even possibly 1% think of being withthem forever

  4. Most FOB asian guys prefer asian girls,but as they have lived in a foreign country for a longer period of time, their taste may change.

  5. I'm an asian girl with two older brothers. I know that a lot of asian guys want more conservative girls and most asian girls are like that. They also dont like girls that are too possesive. At least thats how the guys in my family are (we're all asian). Hope that helps a little bit.

  6. Kevjumba seems to like other races...

    (youtube comedian)

  7. Yeah I've also wondered what's up with that? Great question.

  8. Cause they got little pee-pees.

  9. I'm caucasian and I'm married to a japanese man. He is 24 and I am 23 and we own a condo and are happy, however his grandma once told him she was going to take him to Japan to find a proper wife. I was sitting beside her when she said it.

  10. HAS NUTHiN TA D0 WiT RAC3..CAiN'T F0RC3 3M TA LiK3y WiTE M3AT!

  11. I'm an asian girl but thats not true.... Just not many people are exposed to that relationship of asian guy and white girl...... Type that in youtube you'll see tons of vids and pictures of asian guy/white girl couples.....

  12. Even though people see Asian guys very often with Asian girls, it does not mean they don't find others attractive. A lot of Asian guys really like non-Asian girls but "settle" and/or "end up" with an Asian girl because of tons of issues. Just keep it in mind!

  13. most people like to stick with their own race

  14. Maybe because most women out there won't give an Asian guy half a chance to court them. I like White and Latin girls but they don't like me.

  15. by asian do you mean oriental only?

  16. Hmm... Thats not the case for me. I would rather date someone different. Where do you live lol jk jk

    Reason that its like that is because most white girls are very hmm....idk how to put it, not as mature as asian girls in most cases.

    Asian girls understand asian guys more I guess.

    If I were to date a non asian it would be difficult for me in my situation where I have things going on that they might not understand. So it wouldnt last too long, but if it was an asian girl she would def understand some things if i told her.

    Many asian guys think white girls are the b words. But if you approach one and talk to them, they will be cool.

    For me a lot of white girls I know are very immature, and way too emotional sometimes.....

  17. Well I should say not all asian guys are dating in their own race. I am asian and most of my asian male friends loves to date outside our race. Only you have to give an indication should you want to mingle with them because asian guys are really shy to  approach women outside their own race.  

  18. I think it bothers Asian men more than women to be viewed as an immigrant so they don't try as hard to date women outside their races. Asian women have more luck because they don't have to make the first move!

  19. Because to most asian guys, they carry the next generations and most parents want them to carry on the generations for purity and cultural reasons. I for one don't agree with this, I believe that it doesn't matter if you mix with another race, you're generation will still carry on and be even more widely spread out. Yeah I do agree with you that it is discouraging. I see it most of the times as well, but I'm not one of them I don't mind dating someone outside of my race, not all asians are fixated on their own race only, you just got to find them.

  20. Its a really easy answer.  Years of rejection turned asian men away from even trying to date other races especially caucasian. Asian men are not relevant to western pop culture like their female counterparts who are now as American as apple pie. In the last century asian men been equated to jackie chan, math guy, computer guy, or william hung.  Asian women are seen as: permanent fixtures in news media, vj's, dramatic actors, and much more.  However due to the recent popularity of japanese cultural exports you can see tons of teenage girls scouring over japanese grapic novels at your local booksellers.  I'm guessing you are part of that younger generation that might want their own little spikey haired dude with superpowers.  If your part of that younger generation then you might be able to court an asian guy in regular fashion. If your after a 24 plus years old asian guy you might need to make it extremely obvious that you are interested in him or he will just think you are being friendly or depending on the context of the situation, that you want help with math or computers or something. This might seem racist or shallow especially since i may not have been politically correct, but this is generally the rule, although there are always exceptions.  I don't think youtube postings of this subject are an accurate representation of the rate of amwf pairings.  All those videos seemed to be made and posted by the same network of people trying to saturate the web pictures of amwf couples.  Its kinda weird, but more power to 'em.  Oh yeah and all you people that say race doesnt matter its the person, don't discriminate, blah blah really need to shut up.  Race does matters like a m**o in the general scheme of things.  So remember RACE MATTERS!

  21. Please, Asian dudes go crazy for a white chick, while disregarding other ethnicity's.

  22. u must not like pleasure

  23. I'll give you one perspective (me) since of course you know I can't speak for all Asian guys. I'm 21, I find all races of women attractive but I'm only going to actually talk to girls who are smart, academic, nice, doesn't club and party and drink every other night.

    Ok what I mean by smart isn't she has to be a rocket scientist, 4.0 yada yada. I like a girl who makes smart decisions. If it's Friday and your professor tells you that you have a quiz on Monday, I really like the girl who starts studying that Friday. That is a smart decision. I am very turned off by the girl who wants to get really drunk, go to a crazy party. Another thing I don't like about drinking is the risk of liver cancer. See I am only interested in serious relationships where I think there is a chance I’ll spend the rest of my life with a girl. I don't want to be with a girl if she is gonna die before me :-(

    Not interested in parties makes me very unpopular but... that's me. And at my very diverse college, too many of the attractive non-Asian girls are passed out drunk... lol. Only the Asian girls are there to talk to. I suspect that many of the non-Asian girls and I would find each other boring. So yeah just something to consider from one Asian guy's perspective :) ...s***w all you girls who gave me no chance in high school, called me a nerd, but now you see me as dating material because of my hard work and where I'm headed and the boys you partied with work fast food to pay child support!! Lol sorry.

  24. Oh Jeebus! You are not alone with the Asian fetish!

    And i do find it odd that they only date within their race...but im sure its not always true.

    Maybe they don't date white girls because Asians are short and if they did date them then they would have to settle for a tall gal ^_-

  25. Whether we admit it or not, sometimes it’s hard not to generalize. I bet a lot of people generalize without even knowing it. Anyway, perhaps numerous of us have been at some time mistreated by non-Asian people. In addition to bullying, maybe a lot of non-Asian girls showed us no interest and/or we witness non-Asian girls show other fellow Asians no interest. We hear quite a few girls saying they don’t find Asian guys attractive, they’ve never been into Asian guys, etc. Also, we are the only group that some girls can seriously claim something like they have NEVER EVER seen an attractive Asian man. Holy cow… ever?! People know there are attractive white, black, and Latino people out there but some girls seriously think there are no attractive Asians. Of course the smart thing to do is to stay away from those people, which we do, but it sucks to know that that kind of thinking is possible!

    Maybe it’s easier to approach and talk to a fellow Asian girl because it’s more likely that they are nicer, especially to us. I agree with SSW’s post about some girls not being able to understand us. A lot of non-Asian girls would not put up for a second with our harmless insecurity even though the cure is to let us talk to you about it (and it wouldn’t even take that long to cure haha). But often, the second we show a little insecurity as a result of our surroundings, it’s a “turn off” and we are dumped…gee thanks. Why can’t you give us a break? Listen non-Asian girls who like us (I appreciate you), consider yourself lucky because we stay away for NON-physical reasons. People always make assumptions and judge on first impression but it’s mostly looks right? Like oh she is too ugly or too fat. But we are worried a girl might be another mean girl, incompatible personality, too culturally different, might not take academics as serious, the whole parents thing, etc. Assumptions like these you can brush off; imagine how you would feel if a considerable amount of people claim your whole race is not good looking. Discouraging. I’m sorry you feel discouraged Esmee but I mean you’re a girl, guys will chase you anyway. Remember how discouraged we must feel.

    I know you readers have a bunch of refutes, I’m not claiming anything is true just that the bottom line is this is how some of us feel, period. It’s a shame. A little about me: I’m proud to be me, I’ve realize that I should just be concerned with myself and prove to everyone that I am an individual and I don’t hate being Asian. I just wish each of us would realize that. I just know things will be different in a couple of years and I’m looking forward to it.

  26. whats wrong with white guys?
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