
Asian countries are more academically strenuous than North America?

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Asian countries are more academically strenuous than North America?




  1. yes.

  2. Yes, and I also heard the suicide rate is higher too. As if it has any correlation I would imagine so. With a higher educated population leads into fiercer competition in the job market. Countries like Japan and China are known to have a workforce who stay on the job until they retire so its not like the US where you can just quit and find a new job; not so easily at least.

    Also, did you know that 2% of the American population is asian but they receive over half of the scholarships offered in the United States?

  3. I know that for many, there is the stereotype of greater academic achievement amongst Asians.  And also, this seems to be a recent feeling.  And the reason for this is often claimed to be the rigors of the curriculum.  

    But then has this been objectively measured?  

    Additionally, Asian countries tend to me more homogeneous in nature, as  opposed to a heterogeneous North America.  This would tend to reduce cultural, ethnic, & racial bias in Asian countries.

  4. Yes!!! ^^

    Practically there are lot of azn students in USA/Australia/Canada/NZ/UK educational institutes. Which most majority of them are taking most popular courses and achieving high results. So stereotypically consider as them nerds!!!

  5. Absolutely.

    The schools reflect society and American society is going to h**l in a handbasket. Unless we reverse the amoral, existential, narcissistic cultural trend, America won't last another 50 years.

  6. I think that there is more appreciation of education in Asian countries. Americans don't seem to value education as much. Parents don't seem to care if their kids do their assignments or not whereas in Asia they would be severely punished.

  7. ok being indian, havign been brought up and taught in the uk and the usa- yes they are but they dotn teach the kids to think in asia.

    it is all wrote - they dont understand principles of critical thinking and probability. they  cant think outside the box.

    yes America needs to get the kids to remember what they know and use it. not just implementation.

    i have more thatn 1./2 my kids come back from summer not rememberign the work they ve done in the past few years - very sad

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