
Asian poker players play different from other poker players?

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I've noticed that there are many asian texas holdem players in the WSOP, but they are only a fraction of the other players which are mostly white.

Do anyone know what the percentage is during the WSOP. For example, 80% white, 10% asian? I think it's more like 98% white and 2% percent all other race.

With that being said, the 2007 WSOP featured two asian men at the finals. Is that pure luck? Or does the asian people have an edge in Texas holdem?




  1. its a silly question.

    there is a stereotype, not scientifically proven that they r better  with figures and maths, which would help in poker, but if you are at a certain level of math capibility, and understand the details of the game, age OR race is a silly factor to consider.

    alot of people tend to follow the style of play they are used to, ( also the play they're friends etc play )   for example in the casinos i all play in the greeks will play more aggressively, but not because its in there genes...

    know when to hold em. :-)

  2. There might be an inherent difference in the way people from different parts of the world process information in their brains.  Language might have something to do with it, as well, as many of the Asian countries rely on characters rather than words.  I remember having a 200+ seat class in college where there was an Asian TA.  She was in charge of taking attendance, and did it all from memory and observing our assigned seats.  

    How this all correlates with poker, I am not sure...but I think you might be on to something.

  3. Asian players are no different than any other race.  You have great, good mediocre, and horrible players of every race.  Anyone who says race X is different is making a mistake at the poker table (and in life in general.)  If you shut off your mind and say this player is of race X and therefore plays this way will get clipped, if you do not pay attention to how that person plays.

    To the guy who says he's better than asians:  I'd like to see sit a table with Johnny Chan, Scotty Nguyen, Men “The Master” Nguyen, or John Juanda.  Either of these or any of the other asian poker professionals will take you for all you're worth.

  4. All human beings are the same bud.  The truth is even I am better than most Asian hold'em players and I'm a horrible player.  This is not an insult to Asian people.  I have respect for everyone.  The reason being is that live poker is not their game of choice.  Every Asian person I've played against seemed to have sat down at the table just to give it a try and not really into it.  One clue that they don't know how to play is they are in every hand and call every raise.  When you see that all you have to do is wait for a good hand and force them all in and you have their money!!  And like I said I'm a horrible poker player!!

  5. they can see what's in your hand, they are very magical.

  6. I've noticed the same thing, Bob. My theory has always been this...

    While I don't really believe that Asians are better at math or have a better mind for poker across the board, I do believe that a lot of them may have a body language advantage.  A lot of these big name Asian players, like those that were mentioned in the answer above mine were not born in America.  They've all moved here from their native country.  Most, if not all of them came here poor, not knowing a word of English.  They had to come here and survive and work and interact with people that they couldn't talk to.  I think that they developed real quick, ways to understand what other people were saying to them without understanding the words that were being spoken.  I think this translates in poker through physical tells.  

    Thinking along these same lines, I also believe that since these guys built themselves up from nothing, they have less of a fear to lose it all in a game of poker.  That ability of desenitizing yourself from the value of money is a great asset when it comes to gambling for a living.  

    I have nothing to back any of this up... This is just my own theory on a question that I too have thought about.

  7. i dont really think you can judge them by race.. i mean.. i think its mostly your background. like if u come from the ghettos you're probably better at gambling than a rich dude.

    i mean if you talking basketball or something.. i mean black people dominate cuz they got mad hops and they're more physically fit.. but i dont see that in poker.

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