
Asian students - How do you guys study?

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This is just a survey for do you guys study? How do you keep yourself motivated? How do you guys remember everything on tests and etc. I want tips so I can possibly do better :)





  1. lol im not an extremely smart asian student but i am pretty smart (avg in mid 90s for junior year). im going to be a senior in high school this year and im taking 4 APs.  but im one of those people who have really good GPAs but horrible SATs.  i got a 1790 on my SATs, sucks i know.  theres only like 4 asians in my grade and im the only girl and im pretty sure im like the  3rd smartest asian, cuz the other two are extremely nerdy and i tihnk one of them is gonna be valedictorian haha

    but for junior year, my hardest year so far, i basically realized that i needed to start studying , not just for SATs but for school work as well.  up until junior year, ive never studied a day in my life.  i just keep motivating myself to do good in school cuz i dont like getting bad grades.  i just study alot, only for science and math though, other subjects like english, dont really need to study, just do the reading and ss is pretty easy.  ive been in honors ss and english these past 3 years and ive done pretty good.  my parents dont really push me because they know ive been doing good anyways. but im kinda scared for APs this year cuz ive never taken any before.  

  2. I would rather ask this question to the parents of asian students. Because of the way they are raised, most kids get a sense of responsibility(and sometimes fear) for their own studies and lives. I believe the level of intelligence is the same across any race. Its mostly the upbringing that matters.

    I am an asian and I can relate my academic success to the way I was raised. My parents never tried to hide their difficulties from their children. Seeing my parents struggle gave me a sense of responsibility and motivation to work hard.  

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