
Asian visiting Germany?

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Hello. I'm asian-american and I want to visit/tour Germany by myself around June. I've never been to europe and germany is the first place I want to go. Does anyone know how asians are treated in Germany? I'm your typical scrawny asian guy, 5'6, 130lbs. I'll be visiting for about 2 weeks and I want to go to either Berlin or Munich. I would also like to visit some of the smaller cities to see what it's like.

Are there many asians in germany? Will I be discriminated against? What are the girls like? I'm sure most of them are taller than me.




  1. I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. We (Germans) are quite used to tourists, wherever they are from, and, believe it or not, there are some German guys who are also "short", my brother in law, for one. On the other hand, I tease him a lot.... hmmmm... ;))

    Don't worry. You'll have a good time!

  2. danger:It depends where you go to and what do you plan on doing so. (going in weird places at night.... you know what I mean)

    You can go whereever you want to, Berlin and Munich are fine - in those cities are tourists very very common. Surely there are areas you wouldn't want to end up (as well as in every other city on the world, i.e. Chicago, Tokyo etc), but as a normal tourist everything will be fine! Don't panic!

    And don't be afraid of going to Berlin or Eastern Germany! Yes, there are some issues about Eastern Germany, but you are not going to be beaten up because of looking Asian (... in really bad conincidences, referring to do dark areas with weird people this could be different).

    Maybe you could say more specific, where you want to go -I could give advice, what is worth watching etc!

  3. My bf is asian-american, too (Vietnamese) and he was stationed in Germany for a few years. As far as I know asians are treated like anyone else. And yes, there are many Asians here, at least where I live (Dresden) there are a lot of Vietnamese people which used to come to work in the GDR and ended up staying here after the wall came down. If you're 5'6, you're quite tall for an asian, my bf is 5'2...the AVERAGE woman in Germany is about 5'4 or 5'5.

  4. Many German people married woman from Taiwan and Thailand, so there are enough Germans with Asiatic features. And the Japanese people come frequently to visit the castles.

    I am Mexican and I lived 7 years in Germany, so I can assure you, they are 1000 times nicer to me than USA citizens.

    Of course there are teenagers and idiots every where, but they are not rude to tourists, or people who behave polite.

    AND... do not confuse extreme honestly with discrimination, German people likes to give instructions about the right way to do something, and use very extreme adjectives: "it is stupid what you are doing, let me help you" But they only do it, if they want to be nice...

    Yes, the famous "culture shock"

    Do not forget to visit Füssen (in Bavaria ), there is the famous castle Neuschwanstein ( which Walt Disney used as model ).

  5. There are no problems in Western Germany .... in Hamburg, Duesseldorf and other cities there are many Asian neighbouhoods. Just avoid East germany and Berlin ... they are unfriendly over there.

  6. im german-american, living in Germany, im sad that the world still thinks that Germany is a n**i country, NOO WEEE AAARE NOOOT AAANYMOOORE!!!!!!! yes there are a lots of asiens , blacks whites and so on, wich i call the human race, yes there are people who dont like blacks asiens whites all over the world, but this is a regular country no n**i state anymore, so come here and enjoy your visit, there is nothing to worry about at all.

  7. i think you'll be fine.  i think the germans respect the asians in general.

  8. Duesseldorf has one of the largest populations of Japanese people outside of Japan. Lots of Asians are in Germany. They are treated like everyone else. I think you don't have to be afraid to visit our country. Berlin and Munich are big cities and have people from allover the world visiting.

    I am sure you will enjoy your visit!

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