
Aside from car keys with chips inside, is it possible for "old car" keys to work in a similar model/make?

by Guest10933  |  earlier

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Ok, I am not talking about the latest cars. Cars from like 1970/80s, of all the makes of cars and types of keys, is it possible that two cars have the same key?

For example, My great grandfather uses his old car key and out of all odds it works in a car exactly like his?




  1. It's possible.

  2. Yes with older cars it is common. As a child a friend of mine got a set of colored keys as a gift, one key fit his parents 67 Ford.

  3. Maybe, the problem here is that the difference in the space between the cylinder and the housing is large in the older locks. This allows the pins greater space in order to move.That is how the Jiggler Keys work as they are based on the premise that the cylinder and pins are worn and that the key will turn or act like a lock pick.

  4. Yes and I have seen it done many times.

  5. i dont know bout now but yrs ago i opened a friends car with my keys. we had the same make and model car. he locked his keys inside and i decided to try my keys, it worked, we were shocked. he tried than using his keys to open my car door. his didnt work on mine. we thought that was odd

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