
Aside from this site, what is your primary source of information regarding global climate change?

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There are videos, TV programs and films, books and magazines, plus classes and seminars. The information and credible sites on the Internet is absolutely amazing.

If you have a favorite source, please share it.




  1. Common sense and intellect.

  2. Climate science:

    Climate data:


    Explaining climate change to people in denial:

    To find and read specific scientific papers:


    jleblanc -

    Junk Science?  You mean Steve Milloy, the former Tobacco lobbyist?  ROFLMAO!

    Now THERE's an accurate, unbiased source to get your information from!

    "...when a pundit promotes this agenda while on the take from corporations that benefit from it, then Fox News has gone one disturbing step further"

    At Fox News, a Pundit for Hire

  3. These are my daily science news.  From there it just depends on where things lead.  Climate isn't my field, it's just something I keep track of due to my instinct for self preservation.

  4. This site isn't my primary source for any information.  I don't ask very many questions here at all.  Most of the better answers are just cut and paste links to Wikipedia anyway.  I prefer to go to the experts directly rather than wasting my time watching people argue opinion pieces incessently.  

    On the topic of Global Warming the Hadley Center for Atmospheric Research is the expert organization I trust most.

  5. RealClimate and Open Mind are my favorites.  James Hansen's commentaries are always interesting too.

  6. new scientist (been reading it nearly 30 years)

    the centre for alternative technology (CAT) since a visit 15 years ago

    the changes i see in my garden over last 20 years

    5 years of Open University courses on; technology for a sustainable future, renewable energy, environmental science, and a diploma in pollution control .

    BBC (especially world service)

    permaculture magazine

    current favourites online;

    and loads of news feeds

    oh, yes dana is right, straight from the horse's mouth is good.  i like to go to Hansen's site via google to keep him up the top of the page ;-)

    hey andi, ta for the tip, i have added the grist feed to my others. could do with a bit of light relief.


  8. for general environmental news, i enjoy

    they always have info on climate change, but it's a website with a sense of humor and they usually put a funny twist in the information.  gives you a chuckle while keeping you informed!

    they also have a free podcast for itunes, if you're interested.

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