
Asif Seeks 'B' sample?

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Asif and his 'minders' have demanded a 'B' sample of the test which revealed he was still on drugs. They deny he is in fact still drug taking & will fight the claims. Do you believe him/them?




  1. Since he reiterates that he has not taken any banned drug, there is nothing wrong in acceding to his request for testing B sample, which will give a fair chance to him to prove whether he is guilty or nor.

  2. That will come also +

  3. he wont be lucky this time

  4. Mabey they cam make the first sample "disappear" and replace with a clean B sample. Only thing that will save him.

  5. I understand that Asif is guilty in the eyes of every concerned cricket fan ...

    Just a comment, how can IPL / BCCI reveal the name of the player, whose B sample is yet to be tested?

    I am surprised that people have chosen to overlook this fact and have decided to go with the famous saying:

    "You are guilty, even if you are proven innocent" (This one is especially tailor made for Asif ...)

    Even if you catch a killer red handed, don't you read em his rights ?

    Is Asif not within his legal rights to ask for a sample B, something which is an established International practice ...

  6. He had Hashish in his bag in Dubai!! And they're still saying that he dosen't take drugs!! He tested positive and that should be the end of that!!

  7. Nothing new Jake..

    I do not expect anything less from them.This whole Asif thing is a complete joke,gee even the Indians are calling for him to be sacked,and that's saying something...

    They should have taken a drug sample when they caught him at Dubai airport,no doubt they would have found plenty to investigate..

    If the PCB want to kiss hit butt well let them,hopefully the BCCI come down on him like a ton of bricks.

  8. Well I guess he is entitled to ask for it. He is not new as virtually _every_ athlete that has been caught have initially denied it; Marion Jones for example.

    However I have that feeling this is one is going to go the way of some other examples from the region and be a "negotiated" penalty

  9. That's a fairly typical attitude from an addict. In my line of work, I deal with people every day who will accept no responsibility whatsoever for anything they have done, and will always try and apportion blame elsewhere for their misfortune, or deny it outright.

    Asif clearly falls into that category. I'm sure if he was seen snorting the stuff he would still deny it!

  10. this is not related to the airport incident ..but is connected to the IPL matter of PE  banned substances

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