
Ask a silly question and you`ll get a silly answer. do you agree with that or think otherwise?

by Guest67001  |  earlier

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Ask a silly question and you`ll get a silly answer. do you agree with that or think otherwise?




  1. I do, But some people in here don't

    I asked a silly question and I got a couple of serious answers...WTF!

  2. anwsering silly questions is fun

  3. it's fun - some people report the question when they should lighten up a little x

  4. fortunately, some people are idiots and will be like "ok wtf this is a dumb question"

  5. Nothing wrong with being a bit silly every now and again.

  6. NO,

    some people get

    too uptight,

    and say,


    you're sooo stupid.


    Jeez people.

    Have some fun.

  7. Not necessarily so, sometimes I give sensible answers to silly questions. Rarely do I give a silly answer to a sensible question.  

  8. Sometimes, but I find that when I ask silly questions, I usually get someone giving me a long winded and deadly serious answer - and no laughing.

  9. I ask silly questions and people keep taking me seriously!  Most confusing...........

  10. 100% agree!

  11. depends

  12. kinda yea,

    i give silly answers to silly Qs

  13. Ask a serious question,and i'll give you a serious answer.

    Ask me a silly question,and i'll give you aardvarks playing trombones!

  14. defo! this is a serious question and you are getting a serious answer, YES!

  15. Think otherwise -  

  16. that's a silly question!

  17. Flippa floppa flip flop.

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