
Ask guys? what type of the woman do you wanted to leave?

by  |  earlier

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Tell me the characters of the woman that you don't like? and wanted to leave her?




  1. i find any mean streak's real ugly

    except when she is ... playing ;)

  2. No spunk. Not willing to debate you...or not willing to f you...

  3. A woman that say that i am UGLY

  4. i really can't tolerate selfish, materialistic of m ex's actually married a closet homosexual! she still wanted a sexual relationship with me but married him for the money.

  5. With a few of my ex's, the biggest turn off they had was how they continuously talked. I mean, it is important to me that a girl can carry a conversation, but when you talk THAT

    Once, in a taxi with an ex, I actually waited for her to go inside and apologised to the driver for having to listen to the constant barrage of words coming out of her for the entire trip. He laughed and said "Good'll need it". He wouldn't even take my tip out of pity.

    Loudness is also another horrible trait, as is arrogance...when girls are stuck up, you instantly go off them. Or if they play games. Gah. "Hard to get" doesn't work, nor does "making a guy jealous". They are the same as "Find another girl" and "making a guy leave" to the guy.

  6. I hate women who cant shut their mouth, keep talking and complain like a machine gun talk.  I hate women who show their gum when they talk to people. I hate women who only date with extremely hot guy. I hate women who do make up too much.  

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