
Ask me any question, it doesn't have to be football related . . .

by Guest56202  |  earlier

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Yes, I stole this from Taco.




  1. Who would win in a fight.. Baby oil or Baby powder??

  2. Why is your name a pokemon character?

  3. explain quantum physics in 20 words or less. couldnt pass that up,sorry....

  4. Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

  5. What is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow?

    Very well. I see you know your stuff.

  6. Why does it sound like someone is squeezing the life out of Michael Bolton's balls when he sings?

    Thumbs up to those who agree.

  7. Why do rappers make facial expressions like they suffer from irregularity ?

    Why do every shopping cart always have one bad wheel ?

  8. who was the st louis rams third string qb in 1955

  9. why do the JONAS BROTHERS, exist?!!!

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