
Ask me any random question please?

by  |  earlier

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we are trying to do a interview thingy like the jo bros one




  1. Ada urang yang banar2 kan ku hindik karang ani..... Munbiskita mau tau?

  2. " what are the pros and cons of the string theory?"

  3. Have you checked out the youtube video below??!!

  4. Why do you like Jonas Brothers c**p?  

  5. Gw mau badan lw, lw mau badan gw?

  6. Why shouldn't the chicken cross the road?

  7. I have no idea what you're talking about. If you were stuck in a box how would you think outside of it?

  8. kak tela?

    how the heckers can you fix my comp y'all

  9. isn't that your job?

    any way, i have one: Why are french people so rude and arrogant to americans, and yet americans love french people and support them?

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