
Ask yourself :Aren't you really voting for Obama cause he is black?

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Ask yourself :Aren't you really voting for Obama cause he is black?




  1. No, I will vote for him because I believe he is the best candidate. I will vote for him because he is the most intelligent candidate, I will vote for him because he has not been corrupted by the system and still will stand up and tell the truth, no matter how unpopular it is.

  2. no

  3. Ask yourself, did you post this question because Obama is black?  Why disparage the intentions of those who support Obama, as if there is absolutely no reason to support him other than the color of his skin?

  4. The truth is, I'd love to vote for a black conservative. I will not vote for a black liberal.

  5. well they must be because i have yet to hear obama's ideas. it seems like all he does is rile people up and say isnt this and this and this more important. he has yet to elaborate on that...

  6. No, sorry, I'm not.

  7. No.  It's because he's planning a cook off this Summer between blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, indians and lots of other cultures.

    This way, everyone will finally come together.

    Hope you can be there! ;


  8. Let's see......would I vote for Condaleeza

    Would I vote for Jesse

    Would I vote for Al

    Would I vote for Alan Keyes HE LLLL NO.

    Looks like playing the race card isn't going to work.

  9. I've been for Hillary Clinton from the very beginning.  I am not for Obama because he does not have a firm enough background in national politics to be taken seriously as far as I'm concerned.   There is a lot more to being president than pretty speeches and lovely ideology.

  10. No, I'm voting for him because he is a voice of reason in today's extreme-partisan, biased, ineloquent world.

  11. Actually, HE is Mulatto 1/2 and 1/2

  12. I just like him more cuz he seems like he really wants to be a good guy.

  13. Why would that be a problem? Don't you think that many whites are voting white for the same reason? No one is saying anything though because whites operate based on a double standard. They think they are entitled to everything just because they are white and reject the type of criticism that they heap onto others. I wouldnt vote any other way h**l someone's got to balance this bull-ish out.

  14. auctually, thats the reason im not voting for him lol

  15. Unfortunately, for many voters it is as simple as that.  Masses of Americans sit on the couch, watching speeches and listening to idle commentary, and they base their vote on that.  The state they're from, their name, their skin color, or how much charisma -or lack there of.  They listen to sound bites, and grasp at buzz words.  Yet they claim they don't like candidates for their political agendas.  Do candidates ever have time to spell out all of their political plans on TV debates?  These days, it seems the news media gives more attention to irrelevant trivialities, rather than outlining the candidates' ideas. Every candidate has a website, in which all of their proposals are there for the reading.  But it is obvious, when I see some of these comments, that many are either too lazy or too illiterate to take the time to read up on our presidential candidates.  So it becomes based on race, or simplistic titles like "liberals" , "conservatives", and "middle class."   We are all about the common good, aren't we?

  16. No because I'm not voting for him...I will only vote for him if he gets the Democratic Nomination

  17. Is this question posed to Whites or Blacks....Obama has plenty of White supporters as well.

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