
Ask yourself this WHAT have you done for your fellow americans and america today?

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have you done something to help others for no profit ? today i see a lot of individuals and not enough team work.

this lack of team work has made us weak and we need to join together as one to increase our economy and education .

under one flag ( not many as i see in people cars ) this is a country built by many other races and nations but we must be united by one flag and fly one flag only. be proud of where you came from but you left that country for this one so RESPECT AMERICA and the PEOPLE fly one flag ...BE AN AMERICAN....




  1. Since the 4th grade; and I've got the credentials to prove it. No money, just love.

    Re American Flag: One size fits all. Colors don't run.

  2. The most recent thing I did to benefit my fellow Americans was to actively participate in the national lobbying effort to convince the US Congress to approve & fund, in veto-proof numbers, the 2008 GI Bill.

    Heretofore, the educational benefits available to returning military veterans was sufficient, perhaps, for only books, but not tuition and the $$$$ necessary to live while a student, who had voluntarily served in Iraq or Afghanistan, attended courses of higher education.

    This measure is now law; and, history has been changed!

    The original GI Bill, which was enacted following WWII, improved the lives of many, many US families & it is estimated that for every $1 spent on the educational benefits, $7 was returned to the economy!

    I have never supported the Bush administration's ill-conceived foreign policy, but those who enlist are not given a vote on foreign policy.  I do support the military & military veterans in their service to the country.

    I, too, despise the flag decals displayed on some many vehicles (most of which are foreign-made!).  I would like to see those decorations made available only after a donation of a pint of blood designated for the military or perhaps a cash donation to the USO.

    I do not participate in any activity/cause which benefits me directly.

  3. I paid my taxes. You are partly right, the US flag should be flown, but our state flags should be flown right below it.

    As for what I have done, earlier this week I expressed my concerns on local issues with my county council members.

    Until the federal government backs off and lets us live our own lives, it is the most many will do.

    The less intrusive the government, the greater the neighborhood charity will do. The federal government is their for a reason, but when my neighborhood or state has an emergency like a rash of wildfires, the federal government should not react. My state and local authorities should act on their own. My neighbors and I should act. Neighboring states, that feel compelled to should act.

    The less money going to the government, for it to decide what is a responsible use, the more money that will go to charities, where the giver determines where it will go. The less welfare, the more community assistance. The lower the taxes, the healthier the community.

    So yes, fly the US flag with pride, and below it fly your state flag with pride. The government doesn't need to do things for us, we need to band together and support our communities for a stronger country.

  4. I stood aside and let the people who love to torture themselves by thinking they make a difference pass.  I'm in no position to help others, and if I was, I'm not so sure I would.

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