
Ask youself are u treating her right? my wife is divorcing me and i dont want it but have no choice. ?

by  |  earlier

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pay attention to your better half or they will find another. just advice




  1. stay strong if you are a good person you will find someone better , look at it this way she might be the one loosing here best of luck...

  2. So true...once it has gone on for too long then there is no fixing things.

  3. You are right... I feel I am about to leave my fiance (together 5 years) for the same reason...

    I am sure you have tried to make it up to her. I have talked to my fiance about this countless times and he thinks I am joking, it would help so much if he would just ... listen and work with me.

    I hope you have changed, as it seems you have being that you realize the problem... and i hope you can prove to your wife that you have truly changed. Good luck...

  4. Sounds like you are the "back up" guy.  Not the guy they want to be with, but a good back up incase they can't be with who they want to be with.

    You need to realize you are worth something too.

    Life is changing, but you can make it change for the better.

  5. that's good advice. me and my fiance were having the same problem. i solved it by moving out and staying away for weeks at a time. Now when i go see him, he cleans up the place... he brings me drinks and food and put lotion on my feet... has my favorite movies on... it's nice.  

  6. Sadly, many spouses have not been paying attention to the clues, and are blind-sided when they are served with divorce papers.

    Listen up. Spend more time listening to your partner than talking. What are your spouse's problems? How can you help your spouse? Facing the outside world is pretty tough, what can you do to make things easier for your partner? It goes both ways, your partner should be willing (even eager) to help you.

  7. It is wise to examine yourself for your own flaws and try to fix them -- but it's rare for one person to have all the fault in a relationship gone wrong.  Keep in mind what you feel you didn't do as well as you could have, so you can make yourself better for next time; but don't beat yourself up and don't take all the blame (unless, say, you have nasty habits like hitting people when you're angry; then you can blame yourself for that all you like).

  8. wow. im so sorry to hear that. i think she should give you another chance just because you realize that. But dont put all the blame on you. Even though you realize you could've treated her better, she is divorcing you. Why dont you try to win her back. Good luck to you


  10. My husband treats me awful then he leaves me. This was backwards for me.

  11. im sorry for you

  12. you are sh*t out of luck

  13. You will find better.  If she wants to go let her, especially if you have tried your best.  You can only do so much.  It will hurt for a while.  It will feel like your heart is being ripped out, but every day will get better.  Time will heal you and you will one day find the right one.

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