
Asked this earlier but it got knocked off the first page before I was convinced?

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So last night was the worst. A lot of stuff was happening and I was hysterically bawling my eyes out on and off until 5 in the morning. I was screaming at people and my stomach was in knots because I was really scared. This wasn't something dumb, like my boyfriend breaking up with me or my Dad taking away my phone. I'm almost 20 weeks pregnant and I've heard that a lot of stress can bring on early labor or stuff like that...I think I felt my baby moving last night after it was all over but I can't be sure. I have an appointment on Wednesday but I was just wondering if you've heard of anyone having a miscarriage because of stress? I haven't been getting cramps or bleeding or anything but I'm really worried. Does it sound like everything is ok? Thanks guys.




  1. A lot of the time, if you have an episode of stress or panic, your baby will be alright. You're reaching the point where you'll start to feel it move more often, so congratulations!

    Feeling the baby move after a stressful situation is in no way a bad thing. It's actually good. It's when you can't feel the baby move that you should worry. (although usually not, because it's probably asleep).

    If you're under constant stress, or suffer from frequent panic attacks, it can do some harm to your baby. You can miscarry, or it can bring on early labour, but those are very extreme circumstances. Usually being stressed limits oxygen flow to the baby until you calm down. If you stress too much, your baby can be born with a slight learning disability due to the lack of oxygen, but again, this is only if you stress LOTS.

    Occasional attacks (lets admit, we all have them) won't do any harm. As long as you go to bed and wake up the next morning refreshed, and not stressed in any way, it'll be ok.

    Pregnancy often makes us angrier than we are at the end. I think it has something to do with the fact that it's uncomfortable, so as you reach your due date, you may find yourself snapping at people more often than usual. This is normal. Don't worry.

    Until you start bleeding, i'll tell you not to worry about miscarrying. Miscarriages are usually within the first 12 weeks, no matter what the cause. The risk dramatically reduces after that.

    Good luck. I hope i've helped.

  2. yes stress causes miscarriages and or still birth (which is deliverying a dead baby)but with feeling kicks then you are fine but just to make sure dont forget to tell ur doc about this... and keep the stress at a low if arguing is occuring walk away

  3. I got pregnant 1 month after I turned 19 and from 12-32 weeks i was constabntly freaking out and under so much stress cuz my bf was being a douche bag. I was hysterical at times and real messed up in the head at times too. Most of it was to do with my mood swings. I had my baby at 39 weeks and he was 9lbs and 21inches long. Needless to say, a VERY healthy boy! I have heard of people miscarrying due to stress, but I think it's probably pretty uncommon. My son is now 6 months old and still very healthy. If you're not bleeding or cramping i'd say you are fine. I wouldn't worry. I would get cramps when i was stressed but nothing would come of it. If you are real worried, talk to your doctor.

  4. Yes stress can cause early labor and all that but im pretty sure your fine. I have been stressed out to the max the whole past month and im 38 weeks and we are both fine. It takes alot to bring all that bad stuff on. Just try to relax if at all possible... as long as you feel your baby moving you should be ok. If your really worried go to the hospital and have them monitor you to be safe. Good luck hun :)

  5. Hun if you have too much concern you could always call the doc or go to the emergency room..but worrying until wednesday wont help the stress... my sil is under an enourmous amount of stress adn she's been having early labor pains but she's also got a history of early labor....

  6. You are okay.....

    try to relax, calm down for your baby....we all have mood swing...try to avoid as much as you can. your baby will be healthier and happier and easy going if you keep your mood happy!!! and it also will help your baby to have a positive personalities.

  7. your probably ok

    i think its just your mood swings

  8. This is somewhat controvertial... many people will disagree with me, and I'll undoubtedly wrack up the "thumbs down"s... lol... but ACCORDING TO MY OB, stress IN ITSELF cannot bring about a miscarriage.  Now, I had asked him the same question, because it stands to reason that if stress can affect your body, it could cause one.  But, he says that is not the case.  

    Still, though, as sorry as I am to hear that you are going through something terrible, you really have to force yourself to stay calm for your baby's sake.  You shouldn't really be screaming at people, but I'm sure you know that.  I'm sure you were extremely upset, but remember that your baby can sense when you are tense, etc., so you have to do whatever it takes to put him / her first.  You are right at the time when you will begin feeling frequent movements... which is an amazing part of pregnancy.  

    I'm sure you are okay... you would definitely be experiencing other symptoms if you were (god forbid) miscarrying.  (ie. bleeding, extremem cramping, etc.)  Good luck!

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