My mother in law has asked me to throw a shower for my sister in law, her daughter. I do not have a good relationship with her daughter at all. We only really speak on holidays and she lives in another state. She is already having a shower in the state where she lives, but the mother wants her to have one here too for the "friends" that live here. Even though the daughter has not lived her since she graduated high school...years ago. This is the daughters third child and I think that it is just not fair for her to ask me to do this. The reason is that when I had my second child, my MIL made remarks that it was rude of me to have a shower for a second child.....but yet this is her daughters third. Secondly, she knows we are financially strapped, we just had our own baby. Third and what bothers me the most. For my shower the MIL got me a $25 gift card to WalMart and the sister got me the Walmart brand small pack of diapers (less than $5) as a shower gift. Now I appreciated