
Asking British people?

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I've heard alot of people (British) say that the U.K. is going downhill basically.

What do you think? Is this true, if so why do you think things are going downhill for the U.K.?

I mean what is going on in the U.K. that provokes people into making such comments? (I'm not British by the way and I don't live in the U.K.).




  1. Thatcher's Poll Tax aka Community Charge

  2. Not going GONE! Cost of living is the highest and worst EVER! Immigrants flooding the country forcing the housing stock to be squeezed to breaking point! The Politicians not taking any notice of the people and Finally the Football teams are rubbish! lol

  3. Wow... what an expansive question. I don't know where to begin.

    In short, the UK is going downhill, and the rate of decline will only increase. There are many factors contributing to this.

    The first point to make is that the UK has a bloody and terrible history- the British Empire was not founded on kind English gentry going out into the world to make friends. There is a lot of bad feeling in the world for the original modern tyrants of this world- a hangover from the hideous things we did in the past.

    The next point is that the UK has allied itself closely with the US, whose foreign policy in recent decades has been aggressive at best, and murderous at worst. The world does not respect the UK for supporting the US as the aggressor of the planet, and other nations who waste less resources, and pollute far less the global environment do not see why they should have to conform to what the US thinks is the best way to run the world (into the ground!).

    The biggest problem facing the UK, as they are not quite close enough to the US to be fully accepted into that nation, is that they have signed up to various treaties of union with other European nations, most of whom have nothing but self-interest at heart, in addition to a resentment of the UK. Those countries are determined to look after themselves at the expense of the UK, and do their best to try to make laws that trip the UK up. They pretend at friendship at all the summits and meetings, and smile for the photos, but ultimately fight tooth and nail to ensure that Britain does not gain any advantage over them.

    Due to gross mismanagement by successive governments, binding us to laws passed in Brussels, we no longer have the right to govern ourselves effectively. I am in no way racist, but the influx of people into the country is putting strain on services such as education and health. This is only a small part of the real problem though, which is that the Labour party still lives in a non-existent world where throwing taxpayers cash at problems supposedly solves them, with no thought to the economic principle of efficiency. This nation has thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of middle managers, civil servants, and pen pushers, who do nothing productive. There is no efficiency or accountability.

    The most galling aspect of all this social and national decline is that the government simply will not admit that it is occurring, and prefers to lie to the population to tell them that things have never been so good.

    This is an inherent problem with politics in this so-called democracy- we elect people who are supposed to be like us, to speak for us, to pass laws and run our country in a way that suits us, yet in effect they are mainly liars who do their best to make as much as they can for themselves, ignoring the good of the country. The average politician might start out with good intentions, but there are precious few (Tony Benn is a good example) who actually stick to their principles over time, and fight for what is right.

    The other factors to consider are that the British public like to moan, and that media coverage is sensationalist. The papers report on all that is bad, and then the dumb masses buy their Sun and talk about it in the shop, or the pub. Many are clueless, still more won't bother to vote, but they all have opinions that are a thousand per cent right at all times, though they don't talk to their neighbours, share cars, help old ladies with their shopping. In short, the average selfish English Joe has a thousand opinions about why the world is wrong, why the country is in decline, but hasn't the willpower or aptitude to do anything about it.

    You may ask what I do to change the world, which answers itself, as my answer is that I write my thoughts, and you have just read them. I write to politicians, newspapers, and on websites. I speak my mind, and step in when ever I see trouble, at the risk of causing myself personal pain or problems, to try to right the wrong all around me. I am not perfect- I still pollute, still occasionally cause offence, but I try to improve all the time.

    So, my answer is that yes, Britain is going to h**l, and quickly. It is probably the justice it deserves, if a little belatedly, for not going out to befriend the world, and instead going out to slay and conquer, over hundreds of years of history, in the pursuit of wealth and "glory" in battle. There is a poetic justice in seeing the nation fall behind those it once persecuted, both in wealth and knowledge. Maybe when it makes restitution for those it tried to destroy, when it apologises, and humbles itself on it's knees, then the nation of Britain could be "Great" again, but as the selfish are not likely to give up their power, or lose their arrogant pride, this not likely to happen anytime soon.

    I hope this helps you, or answers your question. Take care.

  4. There is so much crime here. Gun crime, stabbings, rapes and muggings. I know every country has crime but it has gotten worse here over the last 20 years. Immigration is another big problem, we are not a very large isle and we have 60 million living here. Near where i live they have knocked down 3 very old historical buildings to make way for new flats. We dont have much countrysde left either. The NHS is a disgrace.The govement have lots of problems and issues and it's no democracy. It's very expensive to live here too.

  5. The only thing that is making Britain go downhill is the number of moaners like Boris who believe everything the tabloids tell them. We are having problems with fuel and food prices and the credit crunch, but this is a world economic situation. The excess of immigrants and the problems they cause is a myth. Actually, as anyone who has been to other countries will tell you, life and culture in the UK is not bad, not bad at all. Hx

  6. People in the UK (like myself) tend to think that it's going downhill more than everywhere else because all our tabloid newspapers are inward-looking and only talk about what it's like on these islands. The rest of Europe has exactly the same problems as we do, they just don't go on about it quite so much (or if they do, they don't use English to talk about it).

  7. Britain/UK?

    I am English living in England, it's not that bad, yeah we do have problems, what country does not, we like to moan a lot in this country though, we don't know we are born really,

    Most people drive a car, own their own homes, lots now have homes aboard in France, Spain & Italy, take holidays more than once a year, don't go short on food etc,

    We could have it a whole lot worse, eh?

  8. The main reason is that the governement does not listen:

    1. we do not want to be involved in foreign wars.

    2. the UK is overcrowded now, immigrants of whatever colour or creed are not wanted.   Britain has traditionally opened its doors to refugees, what we are getting now are not refugees, but economic migrants.

    3. why should we pay taxes in order to give to african dictators.  If the chinese are gaining influence in africa, who cares, let the chinese sort out africas problems.

    4. we are overtaxed, to support the governemnts failed policies.

  9. The cost of living over here is sky high, things such as petrol gas electricity and even food  are so expensive now thay it is making it hard work to keep your head above water , on top of that we have a government that taxes you on absolutely everything and then tries it level best to keep your wages down. I could go on and on but i wont bore you.

  10. It is/has, Boris has said it all in one short sentence.

  11. In terms of the economy, we do seems to be on the downward trend, but it's a cycle, so we'll be on the way back up eventually.

    I think it's a great place to live.  People moan about the bad things (which I admit needs to be done in certain circumstances) but there are lots of good things about the UK which we seem to forget about.

  12. Sadly, over the years, far too many immigrants have been allowed into the country, and unfortunately, it hasn't always been for the best. The majority found their way here looking for ready accommodation, and easy money in the way of benefits. Far, far too much is handed to immigrants as soon as they set foot in the country, and yet, this comes from taxes that we have had to pay fro all of our working lives!! And as a result, where immigrants were housed together, many of these areas have become ghetto-type estates...with houses/gardens, and nearby shopping areas allowed to fall into a state of disrepair.

    When my husband was taken ill, and rushed to hospital...we found we were actually the only white faces in the waiting made us realise that we were really the minority in what was essentisally 'our' country.

    Driving through certain parts of our city centre, we actually drove through an area where signs stated 'no whites after''!!!

    That, in effect made our minds up for us, and three years ago we moved to Cyprus. The best thing we ever did. A much better, laid back way of life...we live amongst both Cypriots, and ex-pats, I never worry about locking the house, or the car when i leave them, and I often come home to find that the local farmer has left me a bag of fresh vegetables, or a neighbour has left me some home-made Greek yogurt, or halloumi cheese. I even came home once to find that someone had planted flowers in my garden!!! I don't think there would ever be much chance of that in the U.K.

    And, of course, the added bonus here is the wonderful sunshine.

    I would also like to state that, no, I'm not racist...a couple of my best friends back in the U.K are Asians....I just don't agree with them being able to come into the country just to do nothing but live off the state. Whe I moved to Cyprus, we had to prove that we could work, and that we wouldn't be taking work away from a Cypriot. And I have to pay my taxes here too!!!

  13. Immigration and our idiot government called labour is the reason this country is going downhill its that simple.I really hope that they are not in power after the next general ellection.I want to see a new party in power with a new prime minister,i want to see a prime minister that reverses all the stupid decissions that labour made
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