
Asking Her Out!!?!?!?!?

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So i was going to ask her out today but there was a combination of i was afraid and i could never get her alone... i really like this girl and its Wednesday today i wanted to go out with her on friday would i be to late if I asked her tommorow? and could i just call her now and ask? (ive never called her but i have her number from texting) We are both sophmores in HS

please help!?!?




  1. I like to ask at least two days ahead of time. If you really like her, you can't let anything hold you back. Don't worry about her answer or who she's around. This is your shot, dude. You gotta overcome all of those scared feelings and go get your woman. :)

  2. hiiya i am a girl so my advice suld b the best in this sitch and just ask her if u culd talk private and just ask her the question if its a no then don't take it so hard theres other fish in the sea so dont let it bring you down if its a yes then thats good but ethier way u can b happy and thats all that matters coz u *** first so ......good luck to ya from babygirl xx  

  3. Okay first off don't Text her that is really mean and she WILL reject you but call her today because unless you ask her out in the morning tomorrow she might say she has plans

  4. do it today, tomorrow will be too late.

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