
Asking about insurance?

by Guest57454  |  earlier

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A person of 79yrs old has medicare...goes as an outpatient for echocariogram...has paid for supplement insurance...then gets a bill for 134bucks...then is told that the supplment does not pay for the deductable therefore the 134 bucks are owed. The supplement is Blue Cross-Blue Shield and very expensive. Is this really true that they owe the bill?




  1. There are three stages that a person can choose from in the supplement insurance.  lowest price, middle price and most expensive.  Each stage or price range covers certain co pays etc.  Say the person is paying for the cheepest insurance he may not be covered for certain things.

    He/she may contact Blue Cross and ask for an explanation.  There is in my coverage a code A B C D etc. and it explains to the customer on the back of the pages that were sent.  Keep investigating before paying as it is hard to get your money returned in a timely manner.

  2. No one here can say - it depends on the specific policy provisions.

  3. Sounds true... Some supplements DONT cover the part B deductible. (only the 20%) Or,,, the supplement may also have a deductible.

  4. The supplement probably doesn't pay the deductable.  Would have to have more information to answer more accurately.

  5. There are several different Medicare Supplement Plans. Plans C, F, and J are the only plans that will pay the deductible. If this person has a high deductible plan F, high deductible plan J, a Medicare Select plan, or any of the other plans they will have to pay the bill.

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