
Asking adults again, Can you help me with career?

by Guest65042  |  earlier

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I'm 22 years old and need help choosing a career, will you help me?

A little about myself, I barely passed high school and took classes at the local community college passing with D's or failing with tutor help everyday. I can't find anything I'm good at and I need to support myself because my parents aren't going to help me much longer.

I tried going for dental assisting school but the classes were all booked up and I couldn't get into the couple of other schools that offer it. I wanted to do hypnosis which people said you can't do just that you need to compliment it with psychology degree in order to earn money.

I feel lost and I'm asking for more advice from adults because I'm very desperate. I need to start supporting myself but I can't pass any classes. I don't want to be nothing in life.




  1. First thing everyone is somebody, you will never be nothing.

    Maybe the classes you took in college were ones that were not of interest to you or are too hard to start out with.

    I would suggest being tested for dyslexia and other learning disabilities. It may not be your fault. You may just need to retrain yourself to learn and achieve.

    Look into some jobs that offer on the job training. Also look into the Job Core in your local area. They help young adults up to the age of 24 train for a job or offer jobs. Their website is:

    If your a people person, like helping people, willing to be trained, and want a part-time job to supplement your income. I have something for you. Just contact me.

    Good Luck

  2. What are your hobbies or something you enjoy doing in your spare time?  Or have you ever been somewhere or walked into a type of store and thought to yourself, "Wow, this looks fun!"?  Think about things you enjoy doing and go from there.

    Also, there are free online career tests where you just answer some questions and it gives you a list of possible careers.

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