
Asking agsin since ppl got confused ...I think I'm pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I had s*x on 7th and we used a condom. I thought I felt a bit of sperm in me but he said the condom had no hole. I was there when he checked. My period is suppose to come on the 30th. And I AM a person who worries and stresses a lot. My parents don't and CAN'T know that I'm sexually active. I took 1st responce 25th and I got a negative but I'm not convinced since I still have 2 more days (the 30th) til my period and there has been no sign of one. Can your period be late because of worrying and being stressed? Does 1st resonce usually tell if you are pregnant 5-2 days before your period?




  1. Sometimes there are holes that you can not see in a Condom. Sometimes a positive result in a pregnancy test will not show until you are 10-15 days late. (and for some people it may never show up). It is rare for someones period to be late because of worrying about being pregnant. Wait a week and test again. Try not to worry if you can help it.

    If you can not tell your parents, go to a free clinic or planned parenthood and get birth control. You do not need your parents and usually it is free for teenagers.

  2. please do not worry so much.

    yes worrying can affect your periods.

    what you could have felt inside you was your natural lubricant or lubricant if you used any.

    and  read the instructions on the first response kit.

    if you are both sure you used the condom properly then all should be fine.

    go get the pill or the morning after pill ( can be taken upto 72 hours after s*x) from a clinic.

    but to stop worrying like this whenever you have s*x get the pill or implants etc and use condoms also as they will also protect you from std's

    hope some of this helps.

  3. It is definitely possible to delay your period by worrying.  Try to relax, if you used a condom and it didn't tear then you should be fine. If your period is late by more than a week, then do another test.

  4. yes your period can be delayed due 2 stress

  5. if ur stressed, it could delay ur period

  6. yes, your period can be late if you are stressed.

    & 1st response is supposed to be able to tell 5 days before, but it may have missed it. so you should probably test again if your period doesnt come in a few days.

  7. You shoulda' thought about what could happen before you even did it. You no smart!!!

  8. Yes stress can delay your period.  It's always a bad idea to use a pregnancy test before your missed period, they aren't as accurate as if you use it after.  And even a pregnancy test used after you miss your period can give you a false negative.

    You should go to Planned Parenthood, they can give you a more accurate pregnancy test than the kind that you buy at the store.  They can also set you up on the birth control pill for low or no cost, so you won't have to worry about the condom breaking again.  And they won't tell your parents!  On their website you can put your zip code in to find the closest center to you.  Call and make an appointment.  Good luck!

  9. stress really can delay your period. Just try to relax and im sure you will get your period. If he and you were sure there were no hole it was props your imagination running wild. Chillax!

  10. the only way to test accurately is to do it a couple days into your missed period. and yes stress can cause delayed, missed, or changed periods, as well as strenuous activity. he wore a condom, there's nothing to worry about...if he was really excited maybe there was alot of pressure and you felt that tinge of pressure. Honestly, if you can't tell your parents that you are sexually active then you're not mature enough to be. leave s*x to the adults, who are able and willing to be honest about it with their families.

  11. There is still two more days before your period due. Don't worry. If you haven't got it by then, then take the pregnancy test again.

  12. Do not worry, you are not pregnant.  If you saw your boyfriend check the condom and nothing came out, there is nothing to worry about.  Sometimes before your period you may not experience symptoms, sometimes you do.  

    Stress can absolutely delay your period, so just try to forget about it.  (not easy I know) I can say with confidence that you are not pregnant.  

    Since you are a worrier, for the future, go to plan parenthood or one of those places and get on the pill- your parents do not need to know.  Have your boyfriend still use a condom, that way you are doubly protected.

  13. Ok a pregnancytest works by detecting a hormone called HCG, which is only produced when pregnant. The 1st response tests can detect the hormone before any other pregnancy test. However, it can sometime not detect the hormone because your body is not yet producing enough HCG hormone to be detected on the test. Do you understand? So it will always depend on your body when you would get a positive test if you are pregnant!

    And yes stress will delay your period! This is because your hormone get messedup when you are stressed! I know its hard but the only thing you can do is relax and test in a couple days.

    Good luck

  14. you felt his sperm?

    you must have been real dry girl.

    it was you.

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