
Asking for a prescription question?

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How exactly do I go about asking my doctor for a prescription such as an anti-depressant, ssri, etc. I've been dealing with depression, anxiety on my own for some time now and I'm fed up with how I've been dealing with it (excessive drinking, withdrawal from people, suicidal thoughts, etc). What should I tell him exactly or ask for exactly. I've never really talked to anybody about these issues and always bottle them inside.




  1. Just say " I am depressed and this is how I have been dealing with it... (drinking, withdrawal, etc).

    Ask for a referral to a psychiatrist to get the help you need. And please know that depression happens to a lot of people. You are not alone.

    Glad to see you want to deal with this in a safe way.

  2. go to a psychiatrist and say you're depressed.

    they hand out pills like they're candy, you don't have to worry about "getting them" to give them out.

  3. Talk to your doctor about the problem whereby he can recommend the right doctor for your needs if he can't help you.

  4. It's always very difficult the first time you ask for help, but remember that asking for help is the first stage in gaining control of your life so it's great that you feel ready to do this.

    The first time I had to do it I wrote down a list of mental symptoms that I'd been experiencing and just handed it to my doctor, saying "I think I may be suffering from depression".  Or there are several very good indicator tests online which you can fill out to see what level of depression you are suffering (don't be alarmed by these!); you could print the results out and give those to your doctor.

    Your GP may suggest SSRI drugs but it's fine to ask if you can try them.  Don't forget they take at least 2-4 weeks to make you feel any different so it's very important not to panic and think they aren't working; you just need to give it time.

    If you do start taking them, don't whatever you do stop taking them suddenly because you feel better!  Most GPs recommend at least 6 months and then weaning yourself off gradually.  Some have worse side effects than others but personally I find Prozac (Fluoxetine) fine for side effects (but other types may work better for you).  Taking the tablet at bedtime is very helpful for minimising side effects.

    I wish you luck but you've done well getting this far.  

  5. you could go to your regular doctor and tell him exactly what you're feeling.  they'll be able to help you.

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