
Asking for a raise?

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I recently started a new job a month ago. I live in a small town and there are not many opportunities available. I have one more semester until I graduate with my masters in accounting and plan on moving closer to the city then. I took this job during my summer break and had no other opportunities here. Well he told me he did not pay anyone in the company what I asked for which was $10.00 an hr. So I agreed to work for $8.00. Well come to find out he had paid the girl I replaced which only did not have an accounting background $11.00 an hr. I have been here a month and want to ask for a raise or leave when I start school in a month. Do you think it is unreasonable to ask for a raise?? I know I agreed to my wage but i was desperate to find work and I did not know the responsibilites this position entailed. Thank You.




  1. The norm is 6 months.    You could not even collect unemployment if you got laid off now.

    You made an agreement, it is seriously uncool to change your mind.    This is as uncool as them saying,  "Wow, we did not realize how lazy you were when we hired you, we think you are only worth $6 an hour now, so we are ignoring our contract since we were not aware of your laziness."

  2. I think there is nothing wrong with asking for a raise.  You obviously would not want to work for this company long term as they started the relationship with a lie.  If you are only going to be there a short time, what do you have to lose by asking?  What is the worst that can happen.  They are not likely to fire you, if you are doing a good job.  It shouldn't affect future advancement as your future ther won't last too long.

    You should be looking for other employment now if you are planning to leave.  It is ALWAYS easier to find a job, while you have a job.

  3. Many companies lie like that, not too much you can do.  Since you are leaving anyway, might as well risk it and ask for a raise.

    I don't Agree with Janet P.'s view, it is not right for employers to LIE to future employees or not treat them all the same.  There just is nothing you can do about it.  You did nothing wrong, you were just looking for a job.

    An employee should never have to ASK for a raise.  That is the employers responsibility.

  4. If you think you have the leverage, go for it.

  5. Ask for a raise or look for a new job if you are unhappy. Those are your two options.
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