
Asking help from Married Women?

by Guest32166  |  earlier

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We have been married for over 5 years now, and I think we have hit a slump. We have 2 great kids, but I am looking for a way to reconnect with my hubby. We used to be so close, but he is still in school going for his masters degree and I can tell he's stressed. Any ideas of things I could do even just during the week?




  1. Tell him how proud you are of him and his hard work. Try to keep stress off of him and make arrangements for the kids to be somewhere else so it can be just the two of you for awhile. Relax, go out or just talk and enjoy each other. Tell him how you miss that and how glad you are to be able to do it again. You have to make a serious effort to stay connected with each other. Talking and telling him how you feel from time to time will help.

  2. My husband works about 60 hours a week and we have a hard time seeing each other but we do the same thing every night we put our daughter to bed and then we end up being up late just we can have some time together we watch a movie or we take a shower together  talk about our days and sometimes even about future plans  it doesnt always end up going somewhere romantic  but it keeps us coneected  i look foward to this everyday and so does he  


  4. On a day that he has no homework and neither one of you have to get up early the next day.  Get an over night baby sitter.  You and him out to nice dinner, arcade, miniture golf, bowling.  Whatever fun stuff you like to do.  Don't do the traditional movie night!  Then end your night at a nice hotel room.  Get one with hot tub.  Take some s**y stuff, candles, s*x toys :)  

  5. Set aside 15 minutes every day to talk about stuff, even if it's just what you did that day. Make sure it's after the kids are in bed and there are on distractions. It's really important to be able to connect on a daily basis.

    My husband and I were seeing a marriage counselor and this is what he suggested for us. My husband was also under a lot of stress and didn't ever want to talk about it. I thought I was making him happy by leaving him alone, but it ended up having the reverse effect. We drifted farther and farther apart and it was affecting our relationship in the bedroom.

    He still has a tendency to withdraw when he's stressed out, and I have to insist that we sit down and have dinner together, rather than him filling his plate and eating alone in front of the TV in the den. He usually retires to the den after dinner, but there have been times when the conversation has lead to something more intimate.

  6. wake him up with nookie in the middle of the night....that is always fun  

  7. You can have breakfast lunch and dinner ready for him and get all the things done in your home that need to be done. Make sure the kids are doing good and not getting on his nerves or if they miss behave don't yell at them that will just annoy him try to solve things by talking. But i also think yes your husband may be frustrated or what ever the case is but he has to learn how to deal with that on his own time either talk with you and only you about what bothers him or take it in the a** and keep it in but not to get mad over things that aren't worth it or fight in front of your kids. Be happy that you are never promised tomorrow. :) Good luck hun

    You can try setting up a your room full of candles then when the kids are asleep take his mind of everything else and get him just thinking of you :)

    *Married for 4 years :) i have a 2 year old little girl and am 32 weeks pregnant with a boy :)

  8. Create an atmosphere for HIM and not you.

    Candles, dinner, wine are things you may like, but its about him for right now.

    A quick escape to the coffee shop together may be the ticket to bring you closer together.  Find the place where he can relax and enjoy just being with you.

  9. Find a hobby together that you both like and enjoy.

    Get a babysitter for the weekend and go somewhere romantic.

  10. Go to the library with him and read while he studies.....have a nice dinner with a glass of wine and talk about things other than school and chores and stressful a good "s*x" book and hang out in bed reading it together and having alot of fun with it....write him notes and slip them in his books...go for a drive and talk about many things you can do to keep it fresh.  I've been married for 5 years now and find I always have to find little ways to make it fresh and fun. Life just gets so busy with house and kids, you loose that couple relationship takes two to keep it together so share that with your hubby, explain that you want to work together in doing some fun stuff and he should be receptive to your new ideas and you will continue to be a team player in this amazing roller coaster we call love and marriage ;)

  11. Cook him a nice romantic dinner - perhaps a picnic at your local park, take him back home for a massage and some love'n.

    Also, give him words of encouragement like "You can do it!" or "Your doing great hunny!" these tiny words make a mans ego fly :)  

  12. They say that if you get through year 5 you will be together. Try having a date night each month. On that day, you both set everything aside and concentrate on each other away from home.  Also try getting involved with his education. Ask him can you make flash cards and quiz him. This will show him that you are concerned and supportive.  Try to help him as much as possible with things that he normally does around the home.  Remind him that you are proud of him getting a higher education to better your family.  Men are sometimes like little boys, they need that, " good job", "I'm so proud of you" just to go on.  

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