
Asking people to buy you cigarettes?

by  |  earlier

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how can i get people to buy me cigarettes, i'm not of legal age. Are there any techniques? I've already tried buying em he asked for id and i said i didn't have it with me.

Please don't lecture me i know the danger yadayada




  1. easy you find a down and out give them twice what a packet of cigarettes costs say will you buy me a packet of x brand please and whilst your at it get some for your self. If you are lucky you never see him again, if you are unlucky you have a new friend and will soon join him in the gutter.

  2. well it would really help to have a friend who is of legal age to buy them. and if ur a girl its way easy to get a guy to buy them for u as long as u let them keep the change like not the dollar bills  

  3. Don't smoke. or at least wait until you re of legal age.

    or just talk to your parents. mayeb they will understand. if not, well dont smoke

  4. If you don't want to be lectured don't do such a bloody stupid thing.  

  5. give em head till your dead

  6. if your not old enough to smoke you shouldn't be smoking. People won't want to help you because they could face jail time for it.

    If you really want cigarettes steal them from your dad or mom that way when you get caught, and eventually you will  they can lecture you for me.

    If I was your mom you wouldn't see daylight for a few months.

  7. maybe you wanted to ask how to quit smoking

  8. wow.

    All the answers are agaisnt it. ( i am too, but its not what you asked)


    Just ask people who you can tell smoke (as in smoking at the time, holding a lighter, or you've seen them smoking).. my friends always do it.

    like 9/10 times people will do it..

    but yeah.

    it's a gross habbit.

    good luck!

  9. You're a loser.  Spend your money on something that won't kill you.  :)

  10. i would never buy a minor cigarettes, i have been asked a few times... i just laugh at them... hahahaaa... and im glad you already know the dangers.  i used to smoke so i have a right to tell you its a dumb idea to start.  

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