
Asking to go on vacation with us....?

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We are going on vacation to Flordia this Feburary! We're staying with family friends. My mom said I can invite 2 friends to come (they have a big house). How do I ask them? Do I get my mom to ask there parents? How? One has really strict parents and I've known for 4 years. The other one has semi-strict parents and I've only been friends with for a year.




  1. Your mom should be the one. First you ask your friends if they WANT to come, and if they do, say your mom will call theirs.

    your mom needs to iron out issues about spending money and such, anyway.

    Will you be going to Disney or any amusement park they need to pay for? Air Tickets? Meals? Doing any shopping?

    Parents need to know these things. Your mom needs to give them a layout of the week, so that their parents can make an informed decision.

  2. just ask their parent nicely

  3. well i mean your just goin to flordia for alil fun its not like your goin to go out and party with a bunch of guys your teens we love vacations they sshould understand that your just goin to go and have alil fun like go swimming and eat lots of food lol you and your mother should go to there house and talk to there parents let them kno that you guys are not goin to leave your parents side even if your fibbing alil bit say anything that will convince them to let your best friends go and the friend you known for 4years their parents should be so diffucult to talk to maybe..! just try!! its worth it

  4. Well first you should ask your friends if they want to come along with you. Then you and your mom should visit with the friends parents and ask them together. Make sure you give the the dates of when you are going and let them know excatly what their child will need to bring/what they will need to pay for.

  5. You should ask the girls if they want to go - then ask your friend to ask their parents and have their parents talk to your parents. Simple!

    We have a teen forum at and if you use our Invite a Friend link and your friends accept, then you can win a great prize! Check us out!

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