
Asleep while husband has s*x??

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Has your spouse boyfriend significant other ever had s*x with you while you were asleep? I dont understaind how this could happen to me. Im not loose Im not like that at all. I just dont understaind.

its like my body and it was just violated...what do I do now.? do I just go on with my life...




  1. I don't see a problem.  I am sure you woke up and finished off the session well aware of what was going on.  Like I said, I don't understand what the problem is.  

    Maybe he thought you were aware of what was going on from the beginning.

  2. I am astounded by the ignorance of many of these answers. If ANYONE engaged in nonconsentual s*x with you it is rape. That is not my opinion, that is the law. It is the law in all 50 states. What concerns me is how you feel; you seem to feel violated and even mention that you're hurt. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Most cities have a Rape-Crisis center where you can talk to someone over the phone who can help you put this in perspective and help you decide what you want to do. My thoughts will be with you.

  3. I have heard of that before, I think that u should confront him n tell him u felt violated, it happened to some of my friends with their husbands n they just laughed it off, but it's ok to feel different.

  4. In most states a s*x act between a husband and wife consensual or not is not rape. I am not saying what he did was right. You must have responded or he would not have been able to enter you. You may not have been lubricated enough or he may have been to rough is why you got sore. In my book what he did was wrong because of the medications that you were on you were not fully aware of what was happening. You need to talk to him about this and let him know that it is not to happen like that again. I hope this will help you in some way. I am very sorry for the way you were treated that should have never happened. I hope you get every thing worked out. Good Luck.

  5. Lol yeah this has happened with my hubby too.. At first I felt mildly violated, but I remembered that he loves me, and would never do anything to hurt me. He probably woke up from a s*x dream all horny, and wanted to get some action! Maybe for a thrill? Guys are just so sexual. Look at it this way- at least he's poking you in the middle of the night, and not someone else!

    If it really really bothers you, talk to him about it, and ask him not to do it again.. Or start wearing a chastity belt to bed! :)

  6. Was he asleep or awake? I used to have a boyfriend who would have s*x in his sleep and we would both wake up in the act. And personally I found it s**y. So it never bothered me. I didn't mind being woke up so that we could have s*x. But if it bothers you, talk to him about it. I think it's really all about how you feel. And obviously you're not okay with it. So just talk it out.  

  7. did you confront him? I would have! That's pretty sick and its a form of rape. You can file a lawsuit against him.

  8. You have been violated, in fact you've been raped by your husband. Tell him how you feel, if he doesn't understand you should get out. Someone who would have s*x with you while you slept is not a very good person to be with.  

  9. OMG get over it! wuts the big deal, maybe if u gave him action of a night he wouldn't have to slip one in when u are asleep. Rape indeed ....are u kidding u are married, that means he can give it to you when ever he wants, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if u rode him hard while he was a sleep. I know i don't mind it when a girl 'rapes' me..

  10. Are you on drugs?

  11. Its all good, chances are your body reacted as it normally would but your mind was asleep. It shows how comfortable you are with him. You have not been raped, if it was a stranger or an unwelcome intruder you definately would've woken up. He loves you and he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Thats how i see it.

  12. dump him.

  13. be kind  and start s*x  when you go to bed .I promise he won't need you when you are sleep

  14. I don't understand why are you soar? What did he do to you? What did he say? Why didn't he wake you up? Did you confront him?

    I told my partner he could do anything he wants with me (except for violating my a**s, and coming inside of me) while I'm out of it. Rarely but it happened when I was stressed at work. I trust my partner completely, I trust him my life, we've been through everything and came out on top so I don't mind. When he's sleeping and I'm horny, I violate him too, with BJ.

  15. Sounds like I should give you my address,, and it sounds like you need a new husband and life,

  16. OM-gosh, the same thing just happened to me last night.  I feel violated.  I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years.  We were both extremely intoxicated.  We started having s*x.  Then I remember stopping because I felt like vomiting, then passed out.  I woke up wet between my legs, but thought nothing of it.  I got a call from my boyfriend like, you were soo drunk. You probably don't even remember do you?? I'm like remember what. And he said well "I finished," And I am like, but I was sleep!! And then I yelled "That's rape!!"  He kind of laughed it off, he thought I was joking.  But now that I think about it, it was rape.  I do feel violated.  I'm not sure how to react now.

  17. You are tired could he started to play and you responded enough for him to continue? Ask him when he comes back.

    I don't know your life but when I worked 2 jobs I was woke up a few times with the wife in position shall I say, things happen when your tired.

  18. If you feel violated and it is unacceptable to you, then yes, it is a form of rape.  It falls under non-consensual s*x.  When you're asleep, your body is relaxed, so it has nothing to do with you being "loose" or not.  If you've never discussed with your spouse/boyfriend that touching/s*x is unacceptable when you're asleep, you need to make him aware of that, if that's what you feel.

    If he does it again after you've explicitly stated that it is unacceptable, then he is most definitely violating not only your body, but your wishes.

    If he DID do it again after you make it clear it's not okay, what you do then is up to you. It is rape, so you could report it to the police.  Or you could just leave him. Or you could stay and "put up with it".  Just make it clear it's not okay, and stand up for yourself and your values.  Remember that you are important, and that your needs/feelings matter.

    You should feel safe sleeping (literally) with your partner, not worrying if they will violate you.

    Whatever you decide, good luck.

  19. That's absolutely disgusting, and so disrespectful for anyone to do that.

    Its virtually rape.

    Dont stand for that kind of treatment!!

  20. Tell him to use his hand like a normal person!

  21. wow..Make that clear that is not acceptable to do 2 u... say how u feel if i pulled your p***s so hard while you were sleeping?  Its not like you were there to take it in...your muscles were asleep. tell him you are not a corps and need respect. Do not scream or yell at him when or if you take my in a calm but firm matter k.

  22. I think you should discuss the problem with him,

    I know this is going to sound bad but maybe he didnt realise you were totally asleep, speak to him cause  you have to find out for your sake exactly what happened, If he is nasty about it then you must dump him and tell him where to go, At the end of the day i could be classed a rape, but you do have to hear his explaination

  23. If you were asleep, how do you know it was him?

    You heard someone sneaking out? Doesn't that sound suspect?

  24. My partner has been known to wake me up with fellatio. Does that count as rape?

    I think it would, in some peoples' books, because they believe any sort of s*x is rape unless both parties are fully conscious, compos mentis and actively participating. But then there are some people who apparently believe that s*x is rape unless a legal consent form has been signed and witnessed. Others believe that all s*x any man has with a woman is a form of rape.

    I don't see it that way. But then I'm a man, so obviously I can't fully understand how horrible it can be for a woman to have her husband's p***s inside her.

    If you feel that you have been violated, then you need to talk to your husband about this. Implicit in your question is the fact that this is the first such occurrence. The fact that he left the house without speaking suggests that either he is feeling guilty or is at least fully aware that you are not happy with him.

    What your husband did is something I would have only attempted to do with the women I have been involved had I been very certain the surprise would be appreciated. Even with agreement - in principle - I would have thought carefully about whether the moment was right before trying. What I've normally done if I should wake up in an amorous mood in the middle of the night is to go off and take care of myself somewhere else in the house. I wonder if you would have felt better knowing your husband had done this, or if you would, in fact, just much prefer that he not be interested in such things when you are not?

  25. what if he deny that he did it? specially you don't know who had s*x with you. who else in the house? could it be wet dream?

    still, he did not force you to have s*x, you did not reject him so he went on.

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