
Asma Halimi to launch an official complaint FIFA for getting slapped by Rafik

by  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Asma Halimi to launch an official complaint FIFA for getting slapped by Rafik. she is pissed for getting slapped infront of other reports and is not going to sit and do nothing. should she make an official complaint?




  1. No matter what she said, she did not "push" him. It is never acceptable to hit a woman. End of story. She is  not responsible for his ignorance, and brutish behaviour, he is a coward, plain and simple.

  2. there is actually more to the story then what the media is reporting. Asma Halimi liked Rafik but when he did not fall for her. She first wrote a story that was full of s**t and then she actually went to Rafik partner and started talking s**t. she pushed the man until he had no choice but to respond.

  3. The question we should be asking is what was she doing out of the kitchen in the first place?

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