
Asperger Syndrome?

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has anyone ever herd os someone having severe anger management problems such as always resorting to hitting or kicking when mad when they have Asperger Syndrome?




  1. It is definitely one of the symptoms of AS. My friend's 9 year old son has what they call "melt-downs" where he loses all control, is biting, hitting, spitting, kicking, screaming, cursing, etc. It sometimes takes several of them to hold him until he can gradually calm down. Sometimes he knows those episodes are coming and can tell someone in time - most of the time he is not able to control it. It's so sad, because the child is so intelligent.

  2. I have aspergers too.  Its really not an anger management issue. Its a button pushing issue.  Aspies do not react the same way as other people to certain situations.  Somebody, probably you without realizing it, is pushing his buttons or he wouldn't act that way.  This is especially bad during high stress times.

    To give you an example, you might buy him a new comb at the store without telling him and replace the one he had with it.  In that circumstance, he might come home and then fly apart at the seams over it.  This is normal because a change in his environment is quite painful.

    He needs therapy for his asperger management, not anger management.  You also need therapy to learn how to steer clear of his buttons and how to pad them when a change is unavoidable.

    If you have other questions, you can email me if you wish.  

    Good luck to you.  I hope you can avoid a divorce.

  3. tend to have social implications i.e doesn't know how to be socially acceptable, yet redeem themselves slightly. They aren't freaks or disabled. They also tend to be highly capable in mathematics and read very well and be intelligente but also be attenttion seeking and hyper.

  4. Children with Asperger syndrome very typically exhibit this type of behaviour as they become incredibly frustrated with not being able to conform with the 'norms' of society. Depending on the environments that individuals grow up in and whether their problems are treated sympathetically this anger and frustration can persist into adulthood. Typically individuals with Aspergers are very intelligent but have very real communication difficulties as they cannot 'read' others emotions in the way that most people can.

  5. My mum's a Clinical Psychologist.

    I just asked her and she said it can be one of the difficulties of AS.

  6. In addition to n4mwd's excellent advice, there can be some benefit from small doses of Aripiprazole, which is a partial dopamine agonist.  What it does is ever so slightly slow down my responses to the button-pushing events/situations.  At that point, my natural Asperger logical nature reasserts itself.
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