
Aspirin or Paracetamol..which does more damage if you accidentally OD?

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My feeling is Aspirin is safer as it is easyer on the Liver, thou Aspirin is worse for the stomach?! can anyone explain?! (coursework help, am getting conflicting reports)




  1. paracetamol

  2. paracetamol and aspirin are both the same except paracetamol is slightly more stronger  

  3. What kind of coursework is this??? Hope your not thinking of getting some OD attention...

  4. The stomach is easier to remedy, and the liver is the detoxification centre of the body; if that is disrupted, you will poison yourself. So my two cents is that paracetamol is more dangerous.

  5. aspiren more damage due to G I T upset  

  6. Definitely Paracetamol, even if they pump you out the damage can occur after.

  7. Aspirin can do loads of damage as it changes its structure depending on the site of absorption. Hence, you never know where it will reside and thus can cause damage.

    Study the changes in the aspirin structure...that would help explain my point.

    Good Luck!

  8. Both can cause damage, but it's much easier to accidentally OD on  paracetamol than aspirin as with the latter you are more likely to bring it back up - it's the main reason that you can only buy packs of 16 in the UK. Plus with paracetamol one you've got beyond a certain point there's nothing that can be done.

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