
Aspiring Artist..Where do I begin???

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Okay, I am 21 and I have been painting for as long as I can remember. Right now, I give the paintings to my mom to show an art professor she knows, and she was more than thrilled. She said my paintings were "moving" and she even asked me how long I have been taking lessons. When I told her "never" she was shocked. My paintings are more abstract and Im very colorful in them. I do alot of nature scenes such as sunsets, water scenes, etc. I live in Baltimore, MD, and I was wondering if there was anywhere I could go to show off my work and such. I just want to know how to get started. Thanks to anyone who could help




  1. Art courses are always a good start, but I am not going to try to convince you to use them. Some people like art courses, some don't - it all depends on whether you intend to do it for a living or not. Art courses are not required to be good at it.

    Have you tried asking the art professor? Try looking in the phone directory for art museums, art festivals, or art conventions. Also look into local businesses such as cafes that might be interested in displaying your images with contact information in their establishments. Where I live (Houston) art is a big thing, so many coffee shops and cafe's display images donated by local artists.

  2. However talented you are, or may be, the very best way to further your career is to enroll in an art college and take lessons from  professionals. (full or part-time). Don't run before you can walk. It is not a good idea to be even thinking of exhibiting your work now. You need to study, like all the artists who have made a name for themselves in the past, or today. That is if you are serious about becoming a painter.  

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