
Aspiring model/actress help <span title="please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????">please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????...</span>

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im 14 and i wanna model and act i kno how to start modeling but i dont kno how to start acting i never did acting before never even a play but i kno i can act i have so much realness and emotion and i could really get into character but i still help please and thanx




  1. Acting: where do you liev..look for a local theater plays and musicals. try looking for acting classes and camps over the summer and during the school year..

    Modeling: Get your style together. start looking your best all day.! Then i want you to looking for modeling classes and make sure your hair is always done.



  2. hoy tu día debe ser diferente, recuro a este espacio para decirte que eres grandioso, unico y genial. Que estas vivo en alma y en cuerpo y que tienes mucho tiempo por delante, cada instante debe ser para ti una oportunidad para triunfar y seguir siendo exitoso.

    Disculpa si este mensaje no es agradable para ti, pero no pretendo que te ofendas solo quice pasar a saludarte y ofrecerte estas palabras positivas para ti, nada fuera del otro mundo, pero si con la ilusión que realmente leas hasta el final cada cosa que te digo

  3. :D

  4. darling ... you could be the best actress in the whole world but unless you have training Broadway and Hollywood are gunna send you sailing. try community theater and school plays to get some training in dance and voice. go to acting lessons and do some improv. keep working hard and follow your dreams and never look for fame or fortune. :)

  5. Look in your area for Community Theatres...Most cities have one...Audition for the next show that sounds interesting to you...Community Theatre is a great way to be on stage and it really helps to build a resume...

    Break a leg...

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