
Assalaamu alaikum?

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assalaaamu alaikum i woz just searching thru this siyt wen i found this u can check this on google website i dont no if this is true bt i DO NO THAT I GOT THIS INFO FROM DR Salim Ahmad Salamh, Dean of the Faculty of Usulud-Deen at the Islamic University, Gaza: Not all TV programs are haram. It is haram to watch programs that show nudity or any type of indecency. A Muslim should always select channels and programs that are beneficial, educational, and informative. If, by accident, one happens to see any indecent thing, one should turn the TV off forthwith. In fact, the problem is not in the TV as a machine but in what a person sees in it. If one watches documentary movies, news, educational and Islamic programs, then there is nothing wrong in watching TV so long as the TV does not distract the person away from his/her Islamic duties such as prayer.” THIS WEBSITE U CN GO ON IZ ISLAMONLINE.COM #thank u. n i neeed help bcuz i dont no if this is ryt.some molvees/scolars say tv iz halal sm




  1. walaikum as salaam... check out the ramadan section u'll find many muslims there where u can inform them abt this... and other things! Welcome...

  2. I agree. Not all TV programs are a Haram. But, blowing yourself up and killing innocent women and children (including fellow Muslims) is a Haram. And I wish some of the Imams would address that issue instead of dealing with puffery like TV shows.

  3. lol
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