Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and Gears of War 3: trailer soundtrack done right - 1
Video game trailers are usually the first glimpse players of a video game and by usually we mean some of the time, as the first glimpses are usually leaked footage or screenshots, or in more recent times Israeli television footage of Dead Space 3 in development.
However, all that aside, first impressions just as important in the gaming world as the corporate or professional one, which is why video game trailers need to hit the mark on their debuts.
A trailer which delivers in terms of exciting the viewer can make all the difference in the world as to the hype that will ensue in the coming weeks. Yet, there is one other side to the trailers that go on to achieve the classification of a ‘mind-gasm inducing spectacle’, and that is how much attention the artists behind the trailer’s soundtrack tend to receive.
So here is a list of video game trailers, which not only made everyone who watched it need a change of pants, but also had the same people posting the infamous ‘which song is this?’ comment on YouTube, before going on to listen to the song an insane number of times.
7. Heron Blue by Sun Kil Moon (Gears of War 3)
A sombre, deep, meaningful song which gave the first Gears of War 3 trailer an almost depressing sense of loss, Heron Blue hit the mark in terms of audio, just as the trailer itself hit the mark in terms of visuals.
Together they combined to make a trailer that set the tone for what fans could expect from the final chapter of Marcus Fenix’s adventures in the Gears of War universe.
The trailer showed fans just what they could expect from the game, which was ‘The end’ and the song took the images on screen and made them so much more meaningful.
Not only that, but Heron Blue was reborn as ‘that song in the Gears of War 3 trailer’, which for Sun Kil Moon meant more popularity.
6. Icarus by Michael McCann (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
There has been plenty of debate as to what the musical track, which played in the first Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer, is actually titled. However, it seems that a majority of the gaming population seems to have settled on ‘Icarus’.
While there were no lyrics, the soundtrack itself spoke volumes by starting off at a slow pace, building up, reaching its climax and dropping straight back down to the same level at which it started.
While this may sound like every other piece of music used in trailers, the way it was meshed with the voice over of the characters and the action sequences, especially with the almost hypnotic piano progressions, meant that almost everyone felt instantly at one with the trailer.
Since then the soundtrack of the game has been praised for its depth and what it adds to the atmosphere of the game, yet its most effective use was in the trailer.
And as for popularity, well be honest, how many gamers had ever heard of Michael McCann before the trailer?
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