
Assault and Battery: Please Help!

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okay my boyfriend just got put in jail for assault and battery tonight.

what could be his maximum sentence..?

we live in michigan

hes 20 years old

his previous record has been cleared for almost 3 years

the charges may have been brought up by his dad.

please help me!




  1. Clearly if your boyfriend is violent, you should not be with him because you may be a victim later on.  I totally AGREE with MYLILSIMS ANSWER.  You have an entire life ahead of you, dont waste it on guys that get into trouble. He has never hit a girl yet, but he was brave enough to beat his own father...

  2. Anywhere from 1 to 5 years would be my guess

  3. I am sorry to hear that... His father is the one that should be locked up since he is the one that has raised his son in such way, that he now commits assault and battery...

  4. It really depends on the severity of the crime. You should be safe on the 3 year thing. If it's a misdameanor, simple assault/battery, its probably> no more than 365 days in jail, a fine not to exceed $500.00 and sometimes an anger management class and restitution for medical bills if any. However as a PO for the last 8 years and several arrests for assault and battery the outcome is usually a fine for 200.00 give or take maybe a few days in jail 2 or 3 then the remainder of the year on probation. Chill out, take a deep breath, it's not that bad.

  5. its hard to tell what they will try to sentance a person to it will probably be determaned by the degree of the assult if he has a violent past and how pissed the prosicuter and judge are. it can range from some probation to 25years or so!


  6. Honestly You are 16 and 2 days ago you were worried he was leaving now he is in jail for beating on his Dad

    Honey Please get out of that relationship and get on with your life.

    You are going No where with this guy but in and out of jail visiting rooms OH wait Nope you can not do that without a parent with you.

    Why do you want a violent hot headed jail bird?

    You are so young and have so many things going for you why let this guy drag you down??

    It is hard to tell what kind of sentence he could get depends on what charges were given i mean there are other charges that could go with that one like domestic abuse.

    If Dad plays hard ball which I would i would let him in there and take out a protection order and make him find a place to live

    Sounds like this guy has no life and is going no where fast i just Hope you get smart and grow up real quick and kick him to the curb like a mature young woman would

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