
Assault and robbery, and did not call the Sheriff and report the incident, until a mouth later. Sheriff is.

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The Sheriff is reluctant to due anything, I filed a report at the Sheriff office, about how a roomate attacked me, and when I the left house i was locked out and was threaten not to return, Not allowing me to remove my presonal property,I try to talk to the room mate to see if we could come to a compromise peacefully. After a mouth nothing changed, That when I filed the report. The Shreiff called the ex roomate, And the roomate says I attacked him, And I owe him money thats why he will not return my personal property. Sheriff tells me knot much they can do,Its more of a civil case than a criminal case,? Even though I don't owe him any money, and he is on felony probatetion with a history of violence, Now it put the burden on me to take him thru the civil court system at my cost and he aviods criminal punishment. ? That does not sit well with me. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.




  1. I have to agree with the Sheriff's Office.  It does sound more like a civil court matter.  I do not recommend this BUT If you really want to mess with your ex roommate, contact his probation officer and advise of the attack and threats.  This course of action will not get your property back but he will probably be put in custody for a violation.

    Next time, report any crime immediately to the police and let them handle it.

    Also, this is not a robbery.  Assault and/or battery and possibly criminal threats.

  2. The sheriff is correct.  This is a civil matter and you will have to do the work of suing for your possessions.

  3. Sounds like the Sheriff is correct.

    You weren't robbed, as you stated...

    You don't explain the assault, sounds more like 'mutual combat' if anything.

    Yep... . sounds like a civil matter. Contact your local Justice of the Peace or equivalent.

  4. Why didn't you called the Sheriff and report the incident immediately and waited for a month later? WHY ...WHY....WHY DELILAH...just kidding. Why waited for such a long time for these?

    YES THIS IS HIS WORDS against yours naturally he will reverse the situation, firstly you told the Sheriff you were locked out and couldn't retrieve your personal belongings and was assaulted by your room-mate, obviously he will counter-charge you on the same offense that you assaulted him and even tell that you are the one who locked him out and didn't returned your belongings since you owe him some money which is the opposite.

    YES IT IS a burden on your part to prove that you are the one telling the truth. Yes it is a civil case but also a criminal one since you were attacked by your room-mate, because money is not the only one involved here tort also for the assault too. You got no other choice but to bring him to court. Otherwise, your room-mate will bring you to court himself for the allegation of assault and the money which he said you owe him.

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