
Assignment for theatre class???

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Ok for theatre I have an assignment. We have to act out a minute of our life. So for example our teacher did hers and she sat at the computer, because that's something she does a lot. And so we have to act out a minute of OUR life to the class, except I'm stuck because I don't know what to do. Everyone is doing the same ol same ol boring stuff, like texting talking on the phone, reading, so I wanted some ideas that I could do. I have to take whatever i need as in props and stuff, I'm in 9th grade, umm...I play soccer, and piano, and I like sports a lot if that helps, I love music...and green. PLEASE give me some good ideas!!! Remember it has to be ONE MINUTE LONG.This is for tomorrow and I have it 1st period! HELP!!! ANY answers are appreciated thanks in advance!




  1. I remember when I was required to do this for my class a couple of years ago. Make it easy on yourself for now and simply pretend to be brushing your teeth. IT IS something you do everyday and it is a simple task when it comes to theater. For example, start off your routine by entering the bathroom, turning the lights on, and then follow your normal brushing routine and end it with ridding your face of any water, drying your hands, placing the towel back, turning the lights off, and walking out of the bathroom while closing the door behind you. I hope this helps!! :)

    Good Luck with class tomorrow!

  2. Record yourself playing the piano for one minute and take that to class. When it is your turn play it. Before you do say that this is something you do to step back from the day to day rut of life. It allows you to clear your mind and when you return to the race of life, things don't seem so hectic, so rushed and you feel more refreshed. Then say to the class, Use this one minute of my life to take a break from yours. Relax and step away for one minute!!!

    Then play your recording

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