
Assuming: global warming is real, & you believe that, too. What is the next car you plan to buy, and when?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks Marie. What I’m looking for is more like a thumbs up for vehicles like the 2008 Ford Escape: 2.3 L Inline; V6; 4-speed Automatic, 5-speed Manual. Or the 2007 Saturn Aura: 3.5 L; V6; 4 speed automatic, 6speed Manual or the Toyota Prius, the Honda Insight, the Chevy Aveo, etc. etc.

Boys should know their toys, even if they are environmentally friendly, hmnn? Girls too, and this one does, but I was hoping to hear what you think, instead of cheap shots we've all heard before. (Yawn).




  1. Assuming I am not in need of a family vehicle in the near future when I get my next car, I am hoping to buy a Smart Car.  They are currently sold in Europe (as someone mentioned) but are available for import, and will be sold very soon here in the US!  They are 2-seat cars with available storage space in the back and a drop down front seat to be able to carry larger amounts/shaped items.  They are incredibly fuel efficient because of their size, and I strongly suggest you look into one!  My very sustainable oriented interior design professor at my college got one almost as soon as they were available for import.  They're amazing.

  2. Any car that cost around 3 to4 K . I don't get Bushes tax breaks so I can't afford those new cars. Anything I buy has to used & cheap.

  3. the new toyota prius

  4. Volkswagon Jetta (bio-diesel)

  5. Dodge Viper

    Porsche Turbo Carrerra

    Nissan GT-R

    Corvette Z-06

  6. I'm undecided when it comes to global warming, however, I do believe we all need to do a better job of taking care of the Earth and leaving it in better shape for our children (and their children).

    That disclaimer out of the way... I'd probably go with an older Honda or import (those already got crazy good gas mileage) that I could convert to a vegetable-oil diesel powered vehicle.  

    That way I'd be recycling an older vehicle, leaving a smaller carbon foot print and save a bunch of money!  I encourage everyone to look in to it. :-)

  7. The SMART Car. It's from Europe and it's going to be sold here in the states  in 2008.

  8. 4 door diesel truck is on my wish list

  9. I believe global warming is real and I have just bought a 1962 Impala convertable with a 351 V-8.  The paint and interior are original.  I need to restore the top, replace the windshield--it's pitted, and rebuild the front end.  

    It has less than 70,000 miles!!!!!

  10. ford escape (2004) cheap hybrid

  11. I will probably never own a car.  I live in a large city and get around on public transit, so I don't need one.  I also never learned to drive.  

    When the boyfriend and I need to go somewhere not transit accessible, we rent a car.

  12. I'm wanting to by a new Camaro when they come out. But yeah, I wish they had one that got great gas mileage or even was a green car, running on alternate fuels or something. Probably won't happen for a long time, though.

  13. My next car will run on methane, the HK SAR government are promoting and giving tax reductions for the taxis but too few gas stations carry methane.

  14. Not a car . My next vehicle I'm planing on is a small Motor cycle / scooter. Big enough to get me back  and forth  to work and home. Make a small trailer out of bicycle parts for Milk and beanie weenie runs. Something that gets 80 - 100 mpg.

    Happy caving Carroll

  15. Hummer i wont be here when we explode.

  16. Chevy volt would be great, if they ever actually build it.  Otherwise I will probably get the next-generation Toyota Prius, or a VW Jetta TDI.  A Prius with a small biodiesel engine would combine the best of both.  I have a Cavalier now, and I would buy another American car, IF they build something worth buying.

  17. I just bought a Prius this year, so it will be a long time before I buy a new car.

    When I do, hopefully it will be an electric car.  Something like the ZAP Alias or Miles Javlon.

    I also just recently bought an electric moped.

  18. Please remember when looking to buy a green car that any car is only as fuel efficient as the nut behind the wheel allows.  My parents have a Prius.  My mother gets excellent gas mileage, she loves to watch the computer tell her all the fuel she's not using 'cuz the gas engine hasn't kicked in in the last 50 miles.  My father, however, averages about 40mpg due to his lead foot.  I have a 1993 Taurus SHO.  I average 25mpg, which is what is should have gotten new on the highway.  My husband is lucky to get 20.

    That being said, my next car will be the newest, most fuel efficient but still fun car I can afford when my beloved SHO gives up the ghost.

  19. These answers aren't serious. Global warming is real. And we should all be riding bikes. But the fact that some of us can't, hybrid cars are the best.

  20. I like warm weather , so it is going to be a large SUV. :-)

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