
Assuming intelligent alien beings exist, what could be the reason it would be kept secret?

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I have several ideas but would like some input from others on the possible reasons for the secrecy.

*There are countless billions of different life-forms on this planet; We would be complete fools to think no other planet has life at all.




  1. So that people wouldn't panic and the ufo fanatics won't want the bodies to consume them.

  2. to keep the masses from widespread panic

    I believe there are more intelligent life forms out there and the older I get the more I believe that we are one of their "ant farms"

    or science experiments, they are watching us!

  3. The UFO community wants us to believe it is because there would be widespread panic.  I think this is hogwash.  People eat this stuff up.  Anyway, there are two likely scenarios for how life might be discovered and neither of them involves any kind of "presence."  One is that simple, non-intelligent life might be found somewhere in our solar system.  The other is that a radio signal from deep space might be detected.  In either case, we are quite safe, so panic is not an issue.  The chance of life coming here without us discovering any kind of interstellar radio transmissions is highly unlikely.

    The only reason I could think of for secrecy is that the government would want to evaluate the message to see if it contains information which would create a whole new balance, (or imbalance) of power.  But I think they realize something like this could not be kept a secret indefinitely and that the community of nations would consider it public domain, the first to receive such a signal would share that discovery before anyone could evaluate it.  I'm not real sure of this, though.  It depends on a number of factors.  I think if such a signal was received, the discoverers would rush to press before ever figuring out what might be embedded in it or what might be transmitted later.  Those who stand to be Nobel laureates won't be silenced.  They'll go to another country before someone else discovers it, if they have to.  I'm sure the government knows this.

    I'm one of those people Norrin refers to.  I won't lose my mind.  In fact, I *wish* such a discovery could be made before I die.  Most UFO skeptics feel the same way.  So his are some of the UFO fanatics' reasons for cover-up.  Fundamentalist Christians?  Give me a break.  Let them suffer the truth as they have had to do many times in the past.  Do you think the government would suppress such information because it would hurt their feelings?  Economic collapse?  Nonsense.  Stocks would go through the roof, as investors speculate on which companies and industries will show incredible advances because of shared technology.  You can't really trust anything the UFO fans tell you.  They *need* for the government to have a big secrecy conspiracy because they have to explain the government's disinterest in this subject.  They are also the types of people who thrive on conspiracy theories of any kind. This common UFOlogy assumption of actual contact or discovery of aliens is pure myth and urban legend, punctuated by hoaxes and outright lies.  There has been no new technology in the last 60 years which was not the result of a smooth sequence of technological advances.

  4. i think it wuld be kept secret bcoz if we r going to know abt aliens , like our earth we r going to destroy them , use them for our own benifits, leaving them suffering or their planet.

  5. How about not making the assumption that aliens exist?  There is no physical evidence whatsoever that they exist, so why assume that they do?  That is, it is a total waste of brain time to assume something that is untrue as a basis for argument about it being kept a secret.  Bad logic.

  6. They do exist,there is no evidence of their existence and there would be no reason to keep it secret if evidence did emerge that they existed.

  7. Because knowledge is power. There may be an elite few here, that could use this knowledge to their advantage.

  8. as stated in MIB.....

    a person is smart, but people are dumb panicy animals.

  9. out of the 750,000,000,000,000,000 solar systems in the visible universe alone, we would complete ignorant morons to think that we are the only celestial body to have life. after all, life can exist on moons and asteroids.... its not limited to planets.

    there are no intelligent alien species on this planet for a coupe reasons. the closest exo-planet is lightyears away. they would have to master the travel of light-speed, and i don't see why they would come to earth. look, there are no aliens in area 51. but there probably is some intelligent life somewhere in the universe. it would be completely illogical to think otherwise.

  10. What He said about Men In Black...  A person is smart, but PEOPLE? ... etc.

    I have anouther theory for you... Allow me that aliens began travelling thru space long, long ago, and that they found the Earth, and our prescious water. (Not much other water out there.) And that they still regularly visit here for what they need.... that there is some sort of beacon on the Dark Side of the Moon, that they can pick up on... I find that it is implausible that we should only see one face of the Moon - we rotate around the Sun, the Moon rotates around us, around the Sun with us, and yet on its' own axis doesn't move in relation to us?  That just doesn't add up.  Isaac Newton said that thinking of the Moons' motion gave him a headache... Maybe because it is being tampered with, controlled?  Only a handful of humans have ever seen the other side of it.  Astronauts and Cosmonauts who would keep quiet if ordered to.

  11. "complete fools"

    i should keep track of what I am called.

    one more time!

    We Don't Know if there is life anywhere other than Earth.  Numbers do NOT form a conclusion.  Sure, they can change the chances, BUT we really don't even have a clear understanding of how life formed on Earth, so let's wait until we FIND something, okay?

    and save the name-calling for the Doomsday Hoaxers, please!

  12. While it is possible that intelligent extraterrestrial aliens exist, there is no solid evidence that they have ever visited Earth in any of recorded history.  

    Biologists are only going on Earth based evidence but a generous estimate for civilisations in this galaxy is something between one (us) and maybe 20 at the extreme outside.  

    Even if there were 50, if they were spread out more or less evenly round the galaxy they would be so far apart on average that they could not even detect each other, let alone make neighbourly calls.  

    Added to that is the distinct possibility that half of these supposed civilisations are technologically behind us.  

    There is no necessary connection between UFOs and these supposed aliens.  

    UFO reports come from various places in the world, not just the USA , Mexico or Canada.  If these things really contained et. visitors and they really contacted people in these countries and left solid evidence, that means at least a couple of dozen governments supposedly keeping this secret for decades.  The US, Canadian, Australian, British, French and a few other governments might be able to keep this under wraps for years but these governments are well organised and stable.  That is not the case elsewhere.  

    Aliens landing is a big story.  If it has been going on since say 1947, someone truly credible would have turned up with real evidence.

  13. If aliens do exist even the whole area 51 deal and crashing  in Roswell. The US government will of course make it a secret.

    why? the reason is to keep the technology by themselves. If aliens have the tech to come to earth they have the tech to destroy us all. IF the us gov. decode that tech they can practically control earth. or even go to other planet as well for survivability in the future, such as dec 26 2012

  14. There are some people here who cannot really beable to deal with this and they would go nuts i think. there are so many in this world and each person can absorb only so much and they men in the world know this and scientists know. they have figured out that if they found out they would probably be nut cases. so therefore we have to protect some of the people and can't let this out. we have various things that are made in time and let out each time and you can see it like helicopters and stuff sure we could ahve see this from the birds like they say but ther e is more to it then that i bleive and we have aliens i bet and they could be hidden under WPAFB there is anotehr palce underground up there that is where they are am sure but we'll never know the truth for many mroe years to come if ever.

  15. You ask us to assume a lot

    That they're out there somewhere/some-when is likely.

    That we'll meet or communicate is not. - But,

    accepting the assumption:

    Look at our own history.

    What have been the consequences of a high tech.

    culture contacting one with less capability in the area?

    It's pretty far fetched, but there just might be a

    "Prime Directive" out there.

    If they could get here, there'd be little for them to

    gain from us.

    They might forbear doing damage.

  16. Of course there is life out there. It is a mathematically impossible for there not to be. People here on this world need stability and order in their life and are not ready for the truth. One day the truth will come out.

  17. i dont really think its secrecy, its just the universe is infinite in size, and we cannot reach every single planet out there (just the ones in our solar system, which do not have any life). if one day we could build a sattelite that could reach planets in solar systems that are billions of light years away, we might find some other intelligent life out there.

  18. IF sentient extraterrestrials exist, validating the fact may be kept secret to provide an advantage to whoever can prove it.

  19. Why has the Govt covered up their contact with aliens, and their retrievals of crashed alien ships and bodies? Because the technologies they recovered put them in a very powerful position, and they wanted to keep that fact to themselves. To announce it to the world  that we recovered alien ships and bodies in Roswell, for example, would be to tell Russia and China that we had in our hands advanced propulsion and weapons technologies that could threaten their existence. In 1947, the time of the crashes in New Mexico, the cold war was just beginning.

    In fact, it seems the faction of the military / intelligence that control the UFO technologies do not brief congress, or the president on what they have and what they know. The last president who was involved with the alien programs was Nixon, largely because he was Eisenhower's V.P. at the time when Ike met with aliens in person, in White Sands, April 1953. President Clinton, it seems, was kept in the dark despite actively looking into the situation. That is frightening, that the reality of the Alien situation is withheld not only from us, but from our elected representatives.

    Another reason to cover it up? Because the govt entered into a deal with the aliens; they would give us advanced technologies in exchange for the right to abduct americans seemingly at will. The govt helped keep these accounts quiet, mainly by promoting ridicule of anyone daring to relate their experience, but often by direct threat, or worse. MIB, Men In Black, are real, but they are not good guys. They tell people who have encountered aliens to keep their mouths shut, or else. A military official told a woman at the Roswell scene that if she told anyone what she saw, "they'd be picking her bones from the desert". Imagine the class action lawsuit, alien abductees have quite a legitimate grievance.

    Another reason to cover it up? The stock market. All our finances are based on people guessing that everything is going to be pretty much the same tomorrow. Speculation, it's called, and even our runaway our oil prices are largely a result of what a negative effect speculation can have on our financial markets. To announce that alien races are here? And that they are more advanced that we are, and we aren't sure what they really want? And then the govt would have to admit that they cannot stop the aliens from abducting people?

    Chaos. Collapse of financial markets. Which are on the verge of collapse anyway.

    Another reason for the cover-up? Christians. I've heard them call aliens and UFOs everything from angels to demons, trying desperately to fit their mythology to the alien agenda. It ain't working. Truth may be that these aliens, or other aliens, may have played a role in our genetic development in our dark past, giving us intelligence beyond any other animals on earth. Perhaps the abductions show they continue to tamper with our genetic make up. Christians are not going to simply accept that God is a reptilian in a spacesuit.

    Last reason for the cover-up? Pseudo intellectuals, like the ones that think aliens aren't here at all, because the evening news hasn't told them so. These people , who pretend there "is no evidence" or "nobody knows for sure", are going to totally lose their minds, they are so unprepared for it. They think a "flying saucer" sounds corny.  They have invested so much mental energy into feeling superior to those who who profess a knowledge of aliens, they can't admit the backed the wrong horse. To be forced to admit that the "crazy abductee" on Maury Povich was telling the absolute truth, and that Carl Sagan was either an idiot, or was lying to us, that will be hard for the pseudo-intellectuals to swallow. Oh well, it's not like they haven't had sixty years to get used to it.

    ADDITIONALLY: I must respond to what "Brant" the mallard looking fella, had to say, for it was amusing and insulting to our intelligence at the same time.

    Most of the respondants, 'blood makes noise', 'jiho k', 'john s', had no problem understanding the logical assumption that if highly advanced technology fell into the hands of the military, they would keep it to themselves and use it to their advantage.

    Other answerers, 'Tsunami', 'loollea', 'ace101', 'Kevin C', 'shawn P' have no problem realizing the social and financial chaos that would follow an annoucement that aliens are here.

    Both very valid, and incidentally, true reasons for the cover-up.

    "Brant" tries to be clever, and thinks himself to be, but he is only glib, and often outright incorrect. Brant starts with "The UFO community wants us to believe,,,"

    The UFO community? Do we all live in Roswell? Who is the UFO community? I guess he means all the people who have witnessed or encountered alien craft personally, which would include Thousands of pilots, both commercial and military, two Presidents, and six astronauts who speak openly about encountering alien ships during missions. It also includes thousands of military personnel who witnessed these ships from the ground, in some cases, watching the ships land and take off again.

    This "UFO community" must also include hundreds of police officers who witnessed these ships up close, in January 2001, police from several different counties in Ohio chased an alien ship across the state, and took a picture of the craft, in Texas this year a sheriff's deputy took a picture of a ship that was a mile long and half a mile wide.

    This "UFO community" must include astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered Pluto, and wrote of seeing flying saucers, nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, Governor of Arizona Symington. And it must include the rest of Americans who have witnessed these ships over the past decades, according to a figure used in the Presidential debates by NBC newsman Tim Russert, 45 Million Americans have seen a UFO. 45 million, quite a big "community". Let's not forget the millions who have never witnessed anything personally but have done enough research to be convinced of the reality of aliens and abductions, like Harvard Professor John Mack.

    "The UFO community" is over one-hundred million Americans. Brant tries to use the term to make us sound like a cult. We are not, we are half of the country. Roughly 45% of the population say that UFOs are alien ships.

    Is Brant even aware that several nations, including NATO allies, have stated publicly that they have had military encounters with extra-terrestrials in advanced craft? Belgium, France, Brazil, all alien encounters declassified, and now, The Ministry of defense in England has been forced to release documents establishing encounters with extra-terrestrials. The Brasilian documents even detail incidents where the United States retrieved crashed alien ships, and an incident where police chased aliens on foot through a busy neighborhood in broad daylight. Simply google-ing will bring up the documents. The former Canadian Defense Minister held a press conference where he said "the  aliens and flying saucers are as real as the airplanes over our heads". The Japanese Parliament just last month started governmental debate on the issue of UFOs.

    Yet "brant" says "The chance of life coming here without us discovering any kind of interstellar radio transmissions is highly unlikely." Wow. Guess Brant knows more about the situation than France, Belgium, England, Brazil, and Japan. Way to go, man. I guess these countries, their defense ministries, and military officials and personnel are what 'brant' calls "conspiracy theorists" or "UFO fans". Over 500 US military officers have now testified that they encountered aliens or alien technology during their service. Their testimony was seen on nightline, national press club, and can be found at

    Are these US military officers to be dismissed as "UFO fans", as Brant says? "You can't really trust anything the UFO fans tell you. They *need* for the government to have a big secrecy conspiracy because they have to explain the government's disinterest in this subject. They are also the types of people who thrive on conspiracy theories of any kind."

    Pure drivel. But the kicker is when Brant says, "In fact, I *wish* such a discovery could be made before I die. Most UFO skeptics feel the same way."

    Well, seeing as the aliens have been here en masse since 1947, I wonder if you're also still wishing that someday the NFL will face the AFL in a "Superbowl". Are you still wondering who shot J.R.? Relax, the whole season was a dream.

    peace out

  20. you seem like a intelligent guy i would suggest you go to the link of the disclosure project it has 500 plus wittiness testimonies from very credible people like astronauts,high ranking military personnel,people in intelligence agencies.and people with very high ranking security clearance,and people in charge of even in charge of weather or not to launch nuclear weapons. they all talk about the UFO and alien reality  each wittness can talk for hours about their experiences and the technology we obtained from the crashed UFOs. not just Roswell but dozens more,and contact that secret government agencies had with alien beings


    i think the reason the truth is kept from  the public is because the government thinks we cant handle the truth but i see that there are more and more people realizing the fact that we are not being told the truth its not the 1950's its 2008 most people could handle the truth

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