
Assuming that some men want to pass a hot parcel, what is your view on this?

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If a man cannot control himself sexually, the business of prostitution is a perfect answer, whichever way it is termed or justified.


Is bigamy a form of prostitution?

If so, which country has legalised it first?




  1. there are way too many STD's in the world.

    What is wrong with masterbation?

  2. Whilst I do not agree with prostitution in any way it is a million times better than rape. I think it is difficult for people who are able to attract members of the opposite s*x quite easily to understand the frustrations of those who cannot. I have often wondered and asked the question many times , (excuse my bluntness) as ugly people must find attractive members of the opposite s*x desirable but usually unobtainable,do they settle for second best in the looks department? If your partner's s*x drive is not as strong as yours is it o.k, to pick up another "one night stand" from time to time but unacceptable to pay a prostitute? My understanding of bigamy is that it is a practise within one or more religious sects. Personally I consider that this custom must be extremely humiliating for the woman concerned.I don't know which country was first to legalise bigamy,probably the broadminded and liberty conscious U.S.A.

  3. there's nothing wrong with selling something you own, if it's your ***, its your look out to deal with the moral issues. The problem is when your *** is sold by your pimp and you dont get much say or benefit from being exploited

    Bigamy isnt prostitution because you are not selling it purely for monetary gain

    If a man cant control himself sexually he needs help, not pandering to, justification and excuses made for him, castration would be my preferred option. Being unable to control your self sexually is NOT socially acceptable and should be stamped on straight away!  

  4. Prostitution ... the world's oldest profession.  It's not about men not begin able to control themselves sexually; customers and providers each have their own reasons for getting into the business.  A man actually not being able to control himself sexually implies that he'll rape or anything else to get his needs fulfilled ... going to a prostitute implies control: he waited till he got to the prostitute, and he entered into (hopefully) consensual s*x, a service he paid for.  If he doesn't pay, that should be the crime, rather than the act in the first place.

    Bigamy has as much potential to be a form of prostitution as does monogamy.  Some monogamous people will choose a partner based solely on how much money they'll shower on them; is that not prostitution?  Some desire polyamorous relationships because they need things no one person can supply ... but these are emotional, mental; not financial.  Either way, what difference does it make, if you're not in the relationship(s)?

  5. Anyone can control himself if he wants.

    The choice is will he!

    We are not puppets

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