
Assuming that there is just one moldy spot on a block of store-bought paneer?

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Is it still good to cook?




  1. yup just grate it off !!! you won't waste much...

    besides cheese is a mold u know !

  2. Since Paneer is a quick ripening cheese and the fact that it is a cheese, I don't see the problem with a small spot of mold.  I would just cut off the piece of mold, look it over to make sure there are no more pieces of mold and use as directed in any recipe.

  3. true paneer is a type of cottage cheese ,  it has a shelf life &  it does not have to go mouldy ,something is wrong some where.either it is well passed the date by which it should have been used or has been improperly stored,either way i would not use it,i think the store should hear about it too.

    If you are determined to make use of the paneer,cut a slice from each surface & discard ,if the exposed surface shows no sign of mould & it smalles ok ,then give it a try,if the mould has travelled deep then toss it .

  4. i wouldn't eat something with mould on it... it is obviously past it's best and not transported/stored correctly.  mould means bacteria.

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