
Assuming that you've read the history of Palestine in books&newspapers in the past 100 yrs., do you ......?

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0 LIKES UnLike The oppressed palestinians or The oppressor Zionists & their regime ?




  1. The simple fact is Israel was founded by ethnic cleansing.

    That means killing many innocent people in order to terrorize others into fleeing.

    In Israel's case, the intent of getting rid of the native Arabs was part of the Zionist thinking from the beginning.  The ethnic cleansing was long premeditated.  In the early years of the Zionist project, a few advocated use of violence to get rid of the Arabs.  The idea of using violence gained strength among Zionists when it became apparent in the 30s that the Palestinian Arabs weren't leaving volunarily, and most weren't selling their land.  However, violence was used for the whole period of the British Mandate, by the British assisted by the Zionists, to suppress Arab opposition to the Zionist project of taking over Palestine.

    The mass murder of villagers and bound and blindolded prisoners, mostly civilians, the destruction of 400+ villages, the emptying of whole cities and urban neighborhoods was the result of this Zionist project.  It was also the only way Israel could have been founded as a "Jewish state." Some of the locations of the mass graves are known, some aren't - mass burning was also used to get rid of the bodies.

    The ethnic cleansing is continuing in the occupied territories by destroying Palestinian homes, confiscation of land and water, and strangulation of Palestinian life and livelyhood, and various bureaucratic measures such as requiring permits for non-Jews to live in their own homes, then denying them those permits.  Sure, the Israelis trot out their Arab citizens and say it proves they're non-racist but they lie about Israeli Arab citizens actually having equal rights, and those in the occupied territories have virtually no rights, not even the right to life, because they're not Jews.  Israel allows Jewish settlers to kill innocent Palestinians usually with little or no punishment.

    It isn't as if the Palestinian Arabs were particularly anti-Jewish before this.  In fact, there were a few exceptions but by and large they were pretty tolerant.  Christians, Jews and a few smaller sects had been living there for centuries.

    I get this from reading books.  I support the Palestinians.

  2. Both sides can make claims to the land that are fairly valid. If only they could get along while sharing the land.

  3. What one supports is neither here nor there.  There are certain facts on the ground that must be accepted.  Now countries don't last forever but Israel is here for the time being so rather than take up sides like a Yankees/Red Sox rivalry and deny legitimacy to the other it's best to try to work with the current facts on the ground to resolve the mess.  

    Both sides are guilty of wronging the other, personally I'd be happy if the US just got out of the whole thing.  If they want to kill each other fine, but it shouldn't be with US manufactured weapons.

  4. I have studied the history of Israel-Palestine -Israel for many years and thus I can only support Zionists.  We will not go into the conversation about who owns the land ... it will certainly be NOT Palestinians who has never owned the land or had an independent country in the area. Lets just say that both Jews and Palestinians have a right to live in Palestine. The history starting in 1948 have turned against Palestinians ( although at that time both Jews and Arabs were called that ) - Arabs lied to them , some of Pals have started a war against a new Jewish state along with their " brothers" from many Arab states. Jews won that war as well as 5 more defensive wars after that ... that was an ultimate humiliation . Palestinians who fled in 1948 and after live in the camps on the territories of their "brother" countries that refuse to absorb them, thus oppressing them. Palestinians who stayed in Israel ( more than 1 million now ) have full rights and many love their Zionist state and their benefits and laws. After the war , Israel have made many attempts to accept some refugees back and negotiate a peace. ALL attempts failed because the Arabs can't tolerate Jews in their midst thus no peace.

    In short , Palestinians keep killing Jews and complain when Israel disciplines them. Zionists show a lot of restrain to Palestinian Arabs.

    The sad part is that many innocents are trapped in the middle of all this but Israel is not going anywhere and Arabs need to understand this fact.

    Arab countries need to stop oppressing Palestinians and give them a citizenship and rights instead of keeping them in run down refugee camps. Palestinians is the ONLY group of people not absorbed by their own kind after WWII ... there were 100 million refugees then ...

    The word of advice- when you ask a question , pretend that you have no bias ;)

  5. The Israelis are warmongers and the Palestinians are terrorists... the United States should not support either side. In reality, the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories should join the modern ******* world (it's 2008 - are we still stupid enough to fight over land?) They should be integrated into single, diverse, secular nation-state. But that can never happen, because humans are filled with hate and racism and will always fight over anything they can justify war with.

  6. You won't get the history from newspapers as many of those are controlled by the jews.

    The fact is that the land occupied by the Zionists was stolen from the Palestinians by illegal jewish immigrants who formed terrorist gangs in the 1940s and attacked the British Administration and the local christians and muslims.

    The fact that the UN voted to divide Palestine to stop the bloodshed does not make it right as they gave victory to the terrorists.

    The Zionists claim that their sky god gave them the land thousands of years ago but if you examine their own records you will see that even then they had to murder all the original inhabitants.

    Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone behaved like them. The USA would be in a civil war as the native americans tried to claim back their ancestral lands.

  7. The disputed lands were formerly known as the TransJordan.  They were swamp lands and the Jews cleared it and made it productive.  The nomadic muslims traveling through the area lived in peace with the Jews.  The land was claimed as a colony of England and all was well and good until the English decided to leave and gave formal recognition to those few muslims.  Still, all was quiet until oil was discovered and suddenly the muslims got greedy and have been trying to kick the Jews out ever since.  Funny thing is, the land was called Palestine by the Jews and it was their homeland for centuries -- long before Christ.  Christ died and some 600 years later Mohammad came along denouncing the Christians and the Jews (chapter 5 of the Qu'ran) and well, the rest is history.  Who's land is it?  There was never a "palestinian people" until AFTER the UN created "Israel" and her neighbors attacked, hoping to finish what Hitler had started.  They told those nomadic people living on the Gaza to just stay put and when the dust settles, you will be the first inhabitants of the NEW state of Palestine.  Syria, Egypt, Jordan all failed in their quest and have since turned their backs on their own displaced people.

    The "Palestinians" could have had their own "State" decades ago, but still being greedy, they have refused.  Everytime an olive branch of peace is offered, they hack it off at the elbow with a machete.  Perhaps if the spoiled, infantile Palestinians would stop breaking truce after truce and cease fire agreement after cease fire agreement, the Israelis, on whose land they choose to live would stop with the retaliation and "oppression."  How long after the last cease fire agreement was signed did the peace loving Palestinians begin shelling, mortaring and rocketting?

    In my house, if a child misbehaves, it is up to me to teach him right from wrong.  That lesson usually begins with a little attention grabber, like a good swat on the behind.  If the child is smart, he will both listen and learn.  It seems the Palestinians have learned very little.  Someday, the world economy will no longer be based on oil.  When that day arrives, the muslim world will no longer have much of a say in the west and at that point, the super powers will turn their backs on the trouble making Palestinians and Israel will finally be free to put an end to the senseless violence once and for all.

    Your "History" is purely fictional.  Soon, the paradigm will shift.  Are you ready?

  8. The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. The country iself was settled long before the "palestinians" arrived.

    In addition, Jerusalem is the holiest city to the Jews while Mecca and Medina are far holier to the arabs.

    It is only right for the Jews to be in control of Israel.

  9. Justification depends on what time period we're talking about. Jews had once live in the area (after driving away the previous inhabitants which were the Canaanites), but at some point the majority of them were driven out by some group (i think it was romans or somehting like that) creating the Diaspora. At some point in time, Arabs had settled the area, and would for the next millenium. There still had been a lesser number of Jews living there with the Arabs, and all was okay. In the 1800's the Zionist movement took place which wanted to create a Jewish homestate. During WWI Britain got control of a part of the Ottoman Empire territory, dubbed Trans-Jordan. The Briitish Balfour Declaration stated that Britain will make a Jewish state in addition to some other stuff I don't remember.

    Soon a mass migration of Jews occured to the "Palestine" area (a part carved form the Trans-Jordan area) The first wave was relatively okay to the Arabs, but after a few more wave of migration, and Jews starting to control things and becoming more  of a majority, the Arabs started feeling tension.

    During WWII, Jews all over Europe had to flee, and the Zionist organization smuggled many Jews to the Palestine area despite

    Britain-created blockades to stop them due to the Jew-Arab violence that had been flaring up.

    In 1948, a partition was created to create Israel and an official Palestine. Israel declared independence, but the Arabs didn't recognize it because they were the majority who had inhabited the land for hundreds of years, and now this happened without their consent on their territory. Throughout the century, the angry Arabs had waged war agianst Israel, but lost, losing a lot of land. Israel won all of what was supposed to be Palestine.

    A few peace processes before the 1990's had made good progress, but when they got somewhere a leader on one of the sides got assassinated by an extremist on their side.

    But, Israel is productive while Palestinians are not helping themselves but are being hard headed through terrorism as the west has seen.

  10. I believe the answer is from an age long ago .That pertains to Abraham and his sons .The Grace of G-d and the commitment of revenge from one brother to another.The desolation of the honor,separation at the highest.

      If I have this right the spirit or life blood was to be consumed and Sol did not fulfill the obligation to G-d's request .Therefore ending his reign.

    Obedience is the issue.Also Adolph Eichmann ,Adolph Hitler were to be the spirit of the fulfillment of the commitment in spirit and possibly blood through conception on the night before death .The ageless quest for the truth.

    Is this the issue you are looking for ?

    I will not divulge the rest as I will need to study up on the subject .I don't ever wish to mislead anyone for my lack of study.

    The Book of Esther,Exodus More books than I remember ,n**i Germany have books of the studies .One thing is they read everything they could ..I believe it was Adolph Eichmann that said in Hebrew the celebration would not come as a reminder of his studies about Jewish history.

    A fight of Jealousy between two brothers Thousands of years ago .Causes the animosity of violent occurrences today.

    This is a subject I have not studied thoroughly but sat in ,while a professor gave an outline of the continuation of the bloodline and heritage.

    Also the 9-11 attack can be traced back to n**i Germany As truely their idea to hit the Jewish gold .Toward the end Hitler Recruted over 100 pilots to do a suicide mission ,That never came to be.The planes were being built with no landing gear.

    I apoligise for not having more knowledge on this subject.

    But these are some outlines that will take months to track and gather.Quick submissions on this would be foolish.

    Knowledge is the key to wisdom.+ common sence.

    Truth faith and Mercy.

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