
Assuming that your mother aborted you(i.e commiting abortion) when you were just three weeks old.?

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Do you think that she commited murder?




  1. Amazing that someone could know that the life they obviously have now wouldn't have been permitted to continue, yet they still say it's ok. What about taking the life of someone who is 7 years old? They may be a little older and more developed, but it's the same difference...

  2. No I wouldn't. I wouldn't exist, how would I know the difference.  

  3. Some days i think yes and some days i think no. But honestly I would be very very sad if my mother aborted me and probably would ask her why she killed me if I could ask her later on.  

  4. Well, I'd have to be having this discussion with her from beyond the grave....on account of having been aborted.

    It's hard to say, I wouldn't have experienced life so far, so I couldn't tell her all of my magnificent achievements...

  5. No she did what was best for the both of us at that time in her life.

  6. brittany, you have no idea what you are talking about-they do not abort babies by throwing them into a corner to die. if you dont agree with abortion, fine, but dont make stuff up or listen to the crazy ramblings of anti abortion crusaders. try a real medical site

  7. No. she made the right decision. and if she did, i wouldnt be typing around here would I !!!

    i think its acceptable in some cases, not all!!

    1. if the woman has been raped and the child is conceived then...or conceived by force

    2. if the baby will bring risk to the mothers health

    3. if the father has abandoned the mother and the mother can not afford the baby

    4. if the mother has to face social pressure, for example, honnor killing ( ya, its still practiced in rural saudi arab, india, pakistan ...!!)

    5. if she will be disowned by her family

    6. if she knows for sure that the baby is infected with deadly disease, such as aids, or cancer.( if the mother has aids/ cancer, the baby in the womb can have it too).

    7. if the mother is really young.....under 16 !!

    ...............these are the main reasons i think a woman can get an abortion without consulting others, as it is her life and she will conceive the baby after all. but simple reasons like, i have two kids already and the third one makes it not my way for abortion, call that murder. :)  

  8. I wouldn't think because I wouldn't be here.

    The abortion questions are getting more creative.

  9. At 3 weeks pregnant, 1 week before your missed period, a woman has no way of knowing she is pregnant. So no, if a woman was to start birth control or whatever that caused the pregnancy to not take, it isn't murder. At that point implantation may not have even occured yet.

    Technically there are birth control methods that allow fertilization but stop implantation. So technically some of the birth control methods "cause abortion" through normal use.

  10. Abortion is murder, no matter how far along a woman is.  

  11. I would probably like to ask her why she did it, and try to be understanding.  

  12. yeah it really sucks, but it would be murder.  i mean have seen how they do that stuff.  it's not like they are all gentle and loving about it. they either suck it out... grab it's legs and cut its head open and suck the brains out... or they inject salt water into the sac and wait for it so suffocate. sometime the babies are born alive after all that.  then do you know what they do??  they toss it into the corner of the room to die.  if that isn't murder i don't know what is.  ~sort of a sore subject with me

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