
Assumption University- Bangkok?

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Has anyone ever atteneded that school? If so, how did you like it? I notice that they wear uniforms. How are the classes and teachers? How is the education? Are there people from all over the world at the school? And anything else you would like to tell about the school.




  1. The university are better is you go to a public one since you have to have good grades for public ones. Mahidol and Thammasat are properly the best in Thailand. It depends what you intend to study.

    Are you Thai?

    Fee paying university are concerned with your fees but hopefully the fact that it is Assumption (catholic) there will be a higher standard of teaching I always found Catholic teaching better than the non dom schools in UK. It is the same as buddhist in Thailand  

  2. when you go tell me how it is because im interested in the school too.

  3. i looked at assumption a few weeks ago. i was concerned about the fact that there are no westerners there, at least none that i saw during my 3 hours there....

    i decided against it. a lot of people said it wasnt a very good school. i am chasing after mahidol now. in 2006 it ranked as one of the the top 20 in the WORLD. it's roughly 50,000 baht a semester, and a much better education.

  4. I have a few Thai friends who went to the university. In my opinion, it is not a good university because anybody who has money can attend such universities. There are many spoiled rich Thai students, chinese, korean, and westerners attend the school. If you really want to get a good education go to Thai public universities.

  5. I taught there for five years; but why would you want to go there?  Sure, it is international.  You will find a lot of Chinese, Thai, Indian, Burmese, and East Europeans there.  The curriculum is in English with a business emphasis although not all majors are business related.  But why not go to a regular university in America and befriend international students at a college campus, get your B.A. and then work on your Masters degree from America.  It will be a lot more reputable.  A degree at Assumption University, Bangkok would not mean much abroad in western countries.

  6. I haven't attended that school but it reputed to be a very good private school where Thai elites go. Lots of Thai rich kids, didn't know they accept international students. Must be a special programme.

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