
Asteroid bigger than Earth might hit in 2029?!?

by Guest66956  |  earlier

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NASA and like alot of astronomers said that in 2029 that an Asteroid bigger than Earth will dip right under Earth taking out a majority of satellites and is so big will cause Tsunamis and will block sunlight and stuff.They said it would last approximately 57 hours. They don know exactly if it wont hit earth.----So wont this like Destroy the earth, What Could Happen?




  1. List your source.

  2. I think the above answerer meant the Mayan calender, and not the Aztec calender. The Mayan Calander ends in 2012, not 2029.

    "The last day of the Mayan calendar corresponds to December 21, 2012 (some experts believe it is actually December 23, 2012)"

    This shows the describes the differences between the Mayan and Aztec calenders,

    Besides, if the world's meant to end, it ends. What can you do about it? Nothing. So enjoy your time :P :)

  3. Its called planet x, And i think its a near miss in 2012, causing what you have said.

  4. The ancient Aztec calander stops at the year 2029.  Coincidence?

  5. Asteroids are small solar system bodies, smaller than the smallest planet and far smaller than the Earth. NASA and astronomers never said anything like this.

    There are no asteroids or comets currently predicted to hit the Earth, according to NASA-JPL's Near Earth Object web site:

  6. Sounds like a mix between Nibiru in 2012 and Apophis in 2029. Apophis is a few hundred metres in size (not bigger than Earth) and will pass closer to Earth than the distance of geostationary satellites, but won't take any of them out.

    Nibiru is a figment of the imagination and won't pass Earth in 2012 and won't cause tsunamis and block sunlight.

    I don't know why people bother to make this stuff up. It's pure codswallop.

  7. Still,It might not,what can I say.

  8. That'd Be ****** AWESOME!!!

  9. This put me in a bad mood.

  10. The nearest asteriod projection for that year that I can find  will be over an 18,000 mile miss.  I can't find the mass or trajectory of this object, so couldn't even speculate on it's gravitational influences.

    The problem with asteroid projections, in combination with the internet, is that there are plenty of non-legitimate asteroid-earth collision claims for every year, and yet, even the "near" misses produce insufficient effects.

    Where did yuo find this from NASA?  What is this asteroids name and/or designation?  I can do more research with more information.

  11. If it is bigger than Earth is is not an asteroid, it is a planet.  If it was bigger than Earth it could be seen by almost anyone with a big enough telescope, and such telescopes are sold in chain stores.  It would not take an astronomer, NASA or otherwise to see it.  Your question is the first time I have ever heard of an asteroid "bigger than Earth".

    Do you know what "Citation Please" means?  Where is the evidence that this "bigger than Earth asteroid" even exists?  I believe you have been misinformed by some woo-woo website spouting the usual "end of the world as we know" it drivel.  

    EDIT By the way, all the disaster stuff about 2012 is fraud, lies and abject superstition.

  12. An asteroid can't be bigger than a planet.

    I think they've already proved it's not going to hit.

    And I think they've also proved it won't hit Earth in 2037.

  13. You people are SOOOOO misinformed!!!!

    The Mayan calendar ends 12/12/2012, which simply means the Mayans had better things to do than to carve the next B'ak'tun (395 years) in stone.

    The asteroid Apophis will miss Earth by less than 21,000 miles on Friday the 13th of April, 2029, which puts it within the orbits of geosynchronous satellites. The odds of hitting a satellite are like one in a quintillion, and the gravitational effect on satellites will be nil. There is a somewhat higher risk (1 chance in 45,000) for the next close approach of Apophis on April 13, 2036. We'll have to reassess the trajectory after 2029 to see what effect Earth's gravity had on Apophis.

    Apophis is about 1/4 kilometer across---nowhere near as big as Earth! If all our calculations and measurements are wrong and it hits the Earth, it will be like a 880 megaton bomb; that's about 4 times more powerful than the Krakatau volcano explosion of 1883.

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