
Asthma Help?????????

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I was diagnosed with asthma 2 years ago. Gradually even with Prednisone it didnt help my weezing. I have the Flovent which dosent work abuteral as well. With all this medication the docters keep telling me to the same thing albuteral over and over again. But a week awhile I went to Florida with my dad and the weezing and coughs were gradually going away on the last 3 days it was compleately gone. But when I came back to massachusetts the weezing and coughing started again. I was coughing and night and the weezing is getting on my nervers. Is asthma more common is Massachusetts then Florida? Because my 4 closest have friends have asthma as well although medication works for them...But I assume mine is more serious. Does anyone have an explanation for this?




  1. Used to happen with me too (but I live in the other side of the Atlantic) - usually the lungs need 3 days to adjust to another climate. The level of humidity in the air and the quantity of alergenics (smoke, air pollution, pollens) make this or that climate more suitable for someone with asthma. I suggest you to try acupuncture, because the convencional medicine has no real answers to allergies. I can say that I'm practically cured - don't have a crisis in more than 10 years, just a slight oppression now and then, that goes away with an inhalation of Bricanyl.

  2. Its just the climate your in is probably what affects your breathing its different for everyone, there is just more in the air in Massachusetts that bothers your lungs then in Florida. I have allergies and moving from Montana to Oregon my allergies got worse but its just the climate, i'm sorry i hope it gets better for you.

  3. Massachusetts doesn't cause Asthma but different areas of the country have different plants, trees, molds, and dusts.

    Evidiently in FL, you were not allergic to whatever it is in MA that you are.

    When you are older, you might wish to consider moving.

  4. Yep.  Allergen or chemical induced asthma.  It's what I have.  You are on a two medications, a short-acting smooth muscle relaxer and a steroid.  If you are using albuterol more than a couple times a day, then you need to be put on Advair.

    By changing your environment, you were no longer exposed to your trigger.  You need to find out what your trigger could be.  Is the issue seasonal in intensity or bad all the time?  If bad all year, then I would look to mold, animal hair, or dust mites.  For dust mites, your symptoms are likely to be worse in the morning or as your sleep since they eat the skin that sloughs of your skin (otherwise things would get kind of funky).  

    You should also consider having an allergy panel done to empirically figure out what your triggers could be.
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