
Astigmatism and contact lenses???

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Hi :-) Okay so I have astigmatism, and I am to wear contact lenses, but I have been such an idiot not caring much about my eyes that I wore then like once in a blue moon. My questions is...Everytime that I try to wear them it makes my eyes hurt and then they get red. Do I just have to get my eyes used to this new thing in my eye? Or do I just have like an allergic reaction? I can very well call my eye Doc. but I thought I'd get some advice from people who wears them.




  1. There are contacts that are made for people with astigmatism . research them and im sure you'll find that they are more comfortable.

  2. Do you wear hard or soft lenses?  Hard lenses take a good week to build almost like a "callus" over your eye before they are comfortable.  

    How old are they?  Make sure if they're disposable ones you change them.. otherwise they can make your eyes irritated and red.

    If it's your first time wearing them, you need to start wearing them 4 hrs the first day, 6 hrs the second, 8 the next until your full day so your eyes can get used to them.  This may be why your eyes are red.



  3. I have an astigmatism in my right eye and have the same problem with contact lenses. I also have a dry eye condition in both eyes which makes me not suitable for contacts. After trying all the contact lenses on the shelves i can't find any that make my eyes feel comfortable. My Mother used to say to me that i need to get used to them but i have come to realize the painful truth, my eyes are simply not suitable for contact lenses and having an astigmatism just makes matters worse so unfortunately I'm gonna have to get used to the idea of wearing glasses, save up enough money for laser eye surgery or just walk around squinting. I suggest you go to your optician for an eye exam and they will be able to tell you what your problem is. There are contact lenses especially for astigmatism and my optician says that they are more comfortable but my vision wont be as good with them. Good look

  4. you might to get new ones with hydra clear for astigmatism it might be that they are dry and you should wear them more often to get your eyes used to them.

  5. the best thing would be to call the eye doctor...

    But your eyes probably hurt because the contacts are on the wrong side. (only one side is right) this happened to me once or twice. Plus you should clen your contacts in new solution after they've been in a solution for a while after use. (i don't go longer than a week) (but you probably know that you should clean them)... :)

  6. It could be that you are not used to them, and so they are irritating your eyes.

    I have astigmatism and wear contact lenses, and if I don't wear them much, then they do tend to get more uncomfortable.

    But you could still have an allergic reaction, so I'd check with the eye doctor just in case.

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