Personally I don't want to ever Astral project, this happen to me 3 times this month. I was asleep, I was dreaming of talking to on the bus, then my dreaming froze and then I was able to start to control my dreaming. The everything turned black(must have been my closed eyelids), then I tryed to wakeup but I felt paralyzed, sort of. I realized that i was sleep. Then I was i started to think of my self getting up, and I felf pressure of my hip or torse almost like something grabbing me, and I heard all kinds of weird noises, my fan was on but I can heard but it sounded different, I also was able to see the light through the crack of my door and the blinking time of my vcr through my closed eyelids. But i barely got out of my body a couple of inches. Its like my Mind was leaving my body. Here is the question:
Was that some type of astral projection?
But i want to hear from experienced Projectors